How Your Soul Path & Career Path Dance Together

 In Align To Your Design: Exploring Your Career Path, Gifts, Wellbeing & Purpose, Career & Purpose, Decision Making, Making Changes & Navigating Uncertainty, Podcast - Feminine Power Time, Purpose, Self Exploration

Feminine Power Time: How Your Soul Path & Career Path Dance Together
(#3 of 3 Align to Your Design Series)

When you have considered your career path are you also considering your ‘soul path’? What does it look like to align your career path with your soul path? 

Have you ever considered that while we can do and be anything, you can’t do it all at the same time. And honestly, if it’s not in your design, even if you make it to your goal, it will feel empty and your lifeforce & energy will be emptied.

The dance between your soul path and career path is where the magic, meaning and sustainability live.

Do you know what your soul path has to do with charting your career path and allowing it to unfold for you?

This is a pretty big topic, which could be it’s own series. But I sat with what would most serve us to dive into support you in the NOW while you create the next … in your career path, your life design and the way you focus your leadership for the most meaningful impact.

 Imagine a world in which we grew up understanding our soul path… and had tools for staying on it, staying true to ourselves, knowing ourselves, defining success for ourselves, trusting ourselves, and making choices that were in alignment for our unique design, even if that meant disappointing another, distrupting the status quo, or daring to step out of our comfort zone, and into uncharted territory.

That’s what we are up to in this Feminine Power Time: #219: How Your Soul Path & Career Path Dance Together. #3 of 3 in the Align to Your Design Series.

Consider this: The invisible – mystical, intuitive within you – is as powerful & essential as the visible – material, intellectual imprinted into you – to making choices that keep you aligned to your unique and true carer path & life design.

When you sense & feel forward vs. just think forward, you naturally create in tune with your dharma, desires and destiny.

Some of what we will explore:   

  1. Soul Path – what is it? how do you know yours? what’s soul have to do with our career?
  2. Dharma – what is your natural path and essence? why can’t you do and be anything?
  3. Self-Love & Career Choices – how can too much Self-Esteem, or not enough Self-Acceptance & Self-Awareness guide you or distract you?

  4. Desires – how do you discern between the ego & distorted willpower, and what’s in alignment with your heart & soul?
  5. Evolution Cycles & Soul Curriculum – what is your soul path, curriculum to both receive and give? how do you make sure you don’t overstay in situations, cycles or orgs or indiv relationships no longer in alignment with your soul path?  

Join me for episode #219: How Your Soul Path & Career Path Can Dance Together

I as usual make this all personal with a series of illumination inquries, woven throughout that you can take into your life, contemplate, journal and conversate them with another to bring forth the wisdom your soul truth is wanting to show you.

See you there!


P.S. REMEMBER to do 2 things. 1. Subscribe to the podcast so you get notifications. 2.  SHARE this podcast with a friend to Elevate together –> invite them to join you for the series. Use the inquiries to conversate, illuminate, liberate and elevate each other



#219: How Your Soul Path & Career Path Dance Together

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  1. Your Current Career Cycle: Where are you at in your current career cycle? Starting, middle, completing, over-staying?
  2. Integrating Lost Parts: What soul parts have you hidden or got diminshed to fit in,and  now want to integrate and come out to be fully alive, in this next cycle of your career path? How can you EMBRACE this?
  3. Your Career Path: In the past, when have you made choices that are in which you trusted yourself, because you knew yourself and what success was for you? When have you not? What’s the difference between what was going on within you and around you that empowered you to make choices that were aligned for you?
  4. Embrace What Formed You to Guide You Forward: What is an experience from your career path and professional experience that has formed you, that you can apply and receive momentum from in the next cycle, if you embrace it as part of your curriculum vs something that happened to you?  How about your personal experience?
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