Align To Your Design: Exploring Your Career Path, Gifts, Wellbeing & Purpose
The Align to Your Design Series we explore explore Career, Life, Wellbeing & Leadership Design. Where your design and your desires meet is the key to the focus for the next phase and cycle of your path. What is your “design?” What does that even mean? And why does knowing and having language for your innate design and the evolution of your design have everything to do with having a north star for how you make decisions in what you do, and how you do it in every part of your life?
Feminine Power Time: How Your Soul Path & Career Path Dance Together (#3 of 3 Align to Your Design Series) When you have considered your career path are you also considering your ‘soul [...]
Feminine Power Time: Align Your Work with Your Wellbeing (#2 of 3 in the Align to Your Design Series) Have you ever considered how the work you do and the way you work could be different IF you [...]
Feminine Power Time: Your Part + Your Gift + Your Career Path (#1 of 3 in the Align to Your Design Series) What is your “design?” What does that even mean? And [...]
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2024 Reflection Power Pause for Leaders: Do This Before Moving Forward into 2025