Feeling Pressure? What to “Do” When You Are In It

 In Burnout & Overwhelm, Career & Purpose, Creative Power, Feminine Leadership, Happiness, Personal Power & Presence, Podcast - Feminine Power Time, Popular Podcasts, Practices, Purpose, Releasing Stress, Self-Care & Self-Sustainability, Success, Wellbeing, Women's Wisdom

Feminine Power Time:
Feeling Pressure? What to “Do” When You Are In It

What do you ‘do’ when you find yourself in a time when the pressure is a lot, the pace is intense, there’s a lot happening – whether it’s stuff you are excited about or stuff that’s dragging you down? How do you move through it without becoming overwhelmed by it? 

Pressure and stress are part of life – but there is a difference between toxic pressure and stress that makes you sick and creates distress, and healthy pressure that stretches and supports you to grow.

The notion that you should be able to stay strong and push through when the pressure increases is actually a program for self sacrifice, burnout, and isolation – one I invite you to release. And instead embrace this as the new design: YOU receive the support, space, and true strength you need, desire and require during times when the pressure is high.

There’s a different way to ‘do’ pressure, and a much healthier way to relate to the pressures coming at you – in ways that are more empowering, human and balanced. There is a lot of pressure that comes at you that is NOT yours to take on, and that you have more choice than you know to say No Thank You Pressure Making Monsters!

Consider this: If you want to do more than manage through pressure and intense times, you have to be able to SEE THE SOURCE of the pressure in order to gain the wisdom of how to work with it, in ways that empower you to receive the benefits without crossing the boundary into toxic distress.

Tune into Feminine Power Time: #220: Feeling Pressure? What to “Do” When You are In It 

Together we will explore these three inquiries, to shine a light on where you have the power to release pressure, create space, and dance through or surrender into the change, challenge or situations you find moving through:   

  1. Where is the pressure coming from? The 4 sources of pressure – self, other, system, society. We’ll sense into each one and shed light on where the pressure is coming from. 
  2. What do you want to do with it? The 4 choices for working with the pressure vs. the pressure working you over. Shift out of it. Surrender to it. Dance through it. Create space within it.
  3. What structure you need to put in place daily, weekly and monthly so you relax, release, rest and restore during times you are under pressure?  These 4 practices that will get you through this without burning out. Breathers. Movers. End Dates. Receivers.

See you there! Bring your Overwhelmed and Over It book if you have it to refer to.


P.S. REMEMBER to do 2 things. 1. Subscribe to the podcast so you get notifications. 2.  SHARE this podcast with a friend to Elevate together –> share your pressure sources & strategies with each other, and be each others permission slips (more on that at end of the podcast)  https://christinearylo.com/podcast/


Feeling Pressure? What to “Do” When You Are In It

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    • Self Love Essentials: Tools for Wellbeing, Resiliency & Transformation – Starts third week of September, once per year.  www.SelfLoveTraining.com 





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