Feminine Power Time 255: The Power-archy, Polarity & New Possibilities for Peace (#2 of 3 in Genuine Power Series) When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know [...]
Feminine Power Time 254: A Call to Honor, Humanity and Sanity (#1 of 3 in Genuine Power Series) After a month of being silent mode (and navigating a natural disaster) … sitting with what [...]
Feminine Power Time: What To Do When You Get Gooped Are you clearing your emotional and energetic fields? What do you do when you get “gooped” by the world, a person, the news, the [...]
Feminine Power Time: Mid-Year Power Pause: Take the Space for What Matters Most to You These Next 3 Months Every year the wise ones pause at the mid point of the year to reflect back and receive [...]
Feminine Power Time: What Drains & Dims Your Radiance? The brightness and strength of your radiance affects every aspect of your wellbeing – from your physical health, to your access to your [...]
Feminine Power Time: What Sustains Your Radiance? What is Radiance? And how can cultivating our own inner radiance support us in Staying Light amidst the swirl and chaos of the present time? In [...]
Feminine Power Time: What is the Feminine? How Can “It” Support & Guide Us Now What is the Feminine? And how can it support and guide us in the present time – both [...]
Feminine Power Time: 8th Anniversary Marker: What’s Evolving Within & Around You? Creating Space for What’s Next. So excited to be landing here with you on the 8th anniversary of [...]
Feminine Power Time: The Power of Stillness & Space Holding (#1 of 3 in the What is the Feminine? Series) I named the podcast Feminine Power Time for a reason. Even though [...]
Feminine Power Time: Keep Your Radiance Strong & Light – 3 Practices to Play With There is a lot of talk & information about wellbeing, presence, mindfulness, [...]