A Call to Honor, Humanity and Sanity – Illuminating Genuine Power

 In Illuminating Genuine Power, Leadership, Podcast - Feminine Power Time, Power, Social & Systemic Change, Wisdom for Intense Times

Feminine Power Time 254:
A Call to Honor, Humanity and Sanity
(#1 of 3 in Genuine Power Series)

After a month of being silent mode (and navigating a natural disaster) … sitting with what words and wisdom wanted to emerge to support and guide us through these intense, transformative times… the inspiration came through for a 3-part series on Power.

Specifically what I am calling “Genuine Power” – natural, innate, native power, different than authentic power and for sure different than distorted power.

We are going to explore: what genuine power looks and feels like … what distorted, destructive power looks and feels like … what is at the roots of both…  how do we open up our eyes to see and discern truth and reality …. and then how do we apply our co-creative power to reimagine the way we and this world work, now, from the inside out.

Imagine this: What if in order to hold a position of power and leadership in any system – from a corporation to government to a family or community – a person had to meet the qualifications of embodying and expressing Honor, Humanity and Sanity … and they also had to create an environment that instilled and cultivated those qualities in others?    

Remember, the fertlizer to the see of new, elevated realities are to imagine it, bring language to it, and then through our voices, choices, presence, relations and projects, co-create it.

In the podcast we will hone in on HONOR. HUMANITY. SANITY and use the power of the definitions below to bring forth the essence of what we are talking about what leadership – personal and systemic – looks and feels like when it’s rooted in wholeness.

  • Genuine – native, natural, innate
  • Honor – regard to respect. honesty. integrity. Honor is the harmony between humility and dignity.
    Humility – freedom from false pride or arrogance, not equating worth to being better than
    Dignity – healthy self respect, quality of being worthy of honor
  • Sanity – health/healthy. the ability to think and behave in normal, reasonable manner, sound power of mind.
  • Humanity – man + earth, humane, to be a steward, to show care for other humans without regard to how their beliefs or choices may be different or similar to yours.

See you there!


Remember … OUR POWER comes from connecting with heart and purpose with others, to support each other to stay light – centered, radiant, clear — and to explore and conversate so we can co-create new realities into being. 




A Call to Honor, Humanity and Sanity

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Resources & Links:

  1. Daily Harmonizing Kit www.dailypracticekit.com
  2. Learn about Feminine Wisdom Way + Cyclical Living www.femininewisdomway.com


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