Power Pauses – Year Completion Reflections + New Year Beginnings
One of the working wise and living well principles in sustainable leadership and living is teaching and practicing is something we call the “Power Pause.” Based on the wisdom principles of cyclical living married practices for achieving success, focus & sustainability, the Power Pauses occur at the quarterly and cross-quarter points of the year, marked by the equinoxes and solstices. These Power Pauses all relate to the completion of the year or the beginning of the year. They include perspectives & inquiries that will help you tune in, gain clarity and focus and reset based on what is real and aligned for you. For a more extensive year end reflection – Christine does a year end reflection ritual and Power Pause every year – www.ReflectionRitual.com
Feminine Power Time: Wisdom for the Year Ahead Keeping Peace in Our Cells Last Feminine Power Time we talked about the “meta” and “collective” – what the [...]
Feminine Power Time: Wisdom for the Year Ahead Insights from Evolutionary Astrology with Christine Arylo + Shannon Lei Gill What’s Happening? How Do We “Be” In It? At the start [...]
Feminine Power Time: Permission to Slow Start Your Year: 5 inquiries to Root Into What Matters Most to You There are many things you could do this year, many things you think you should do, or [...]
< Feminine Power Time: The Year End Honoring & Receiving Ritual Feel Your Invisible Impact + Internal Growth + Incremental Progress The Year End Honoring & Receiving Ritual is a [...]
Feminine Power Time: The December Downshift: Relax to Release. Rest in Place. Replenish to Regenerate. Imagine a world in which in December all humans turned their focus to connect to what [...]
Feminine Power Time: The December Downshift: Relax to Release. Rest in Place. Replenish to Regenerate. The December Downshift is a practice we come back to year after year to signal to our [...]
< DON’T: Let the chaos and pressure of the world, or the should’s of your self-induced pressure swirl you up or stop you from breaking through to more elevated, expanded, [...]
Feminine Power Time: The Year End Honoring Ritual The Year End Honoring Ritual is a practice I do at the end of the year multiple times – for myself, with my partner, with the people I work [...]
Feminine Power Time: The Year-End Release – Clear Out Now So You’re Set Up for Next year Imagine living the full month of December intentionally [...]
Feminine Power Time: The Year-End Downshift: Reflow. Refocus. Release. Receive. (A Practice for Creating Space for What Matters) When I think about the power of [...]