To Your
To Your
1:1 Transformational Mentorship & Coaching
with Christine Arylo
with Christine Arylo

Intentionally Create the Next Phase of Your Career + Life + Leadership, in a Way that Truly Works for You

Align to
Your Design
Your Design
1:1 Transformational Mentorship & Coaching
with Christine Arylo, MBA
with Christine Arylo, MBA
Intentionally Create the Next Cycle of Your Career, Life & Leadership in a Way that Truly Works for You
Intentionally design the next cycle of your career, life, and leadership to focus on what matters most

There is a different way to lead, live, succeed and make an impact in this world without having to sacrifice our wellbeing & relationships, or choose between material security & making a meaningful difference.
We shouldn’t have to dim down parts of ourselves to fit in, separate our personal & professional selves, or sacrifice our creativity to be successful in our careers.
There are times in our lives & careers when it’s wise to pause and consider what we desire to create going forward vs just following the prescribed path or continuing to push through the status quo.
These transitions can be challenging to navigate, as you have to be present in the now, while creating the next.
If you truly desire to make lasting shifts that integrate & align all aspects of you for this next phase, your mindset, self-awareness & wisdom need to elevate too.
These ‘threshold crossings’ are most powerful, insightful and successful when we have intentional, creative space held for us by someone who can walk with & guide us over a specific span of time.

That’s where I come in.

My super power is working with people as they choose to elevate in their expression, presence, career, relationships and wellbeing to:
- Create a path & structure that empowers you to navigate the now while creating the next.
- Give you time-tested processes, practices and models to explore & experiment with what is truly in alignment for you in this next phase.
- Illuminate the internal & external interference so you don’t create the next from it.
- Teach you better – wiser – ways to work, define success & cultivate wellbeing that work with your personal design,
- Guide you through a transformational experience that gives you insight, awareness & clarity at an embodied level so you can see & feel the path and focus ahead.
- Articulate the core of what you both desire to create & is aligned with your design in your life, career, relationships, wellbeing and impact in the world, providing you with guideposts for decision making you’ll use for years.

My super power is working with people as they choose to elevate in their expression, presence, career, relationships and wellbeing to:
- Create a path & structure that empowers you to navigate the now while creating the next.
- Give you time-tested processes, practices and models to explore & experiment with what is truly in alignment for you in this next phase.
- Illuminate the internal & external interference (so you don’t create the next from it).
- Teach you better – wiser – ways to work, define success, & cultivate wellbeing that work with your personal design,
- Guide you through a transformational experience that gives you insight, awareness & clarity at an embodied level so you can see & feel the path and focus ahead.
- Articulate the core of what you desire & is aligned with your design to create in your life, career, relationships, wellbeing and impact in the world, providing you with guideposts for decision making you’ll use for years.
If this is resonating with you, tune into the video, listen to the audio, and learn more about how we would work together.
Where Your Design & Your Desires Meet, the Portal to the Aligned Path for Your Next Phase Opens.
I made this video so you could get a sense of how this works. Tune in …
We’ll work with models I’ve created for sustainable success, making aligned choices & co-creating new ways of working, living and leading that I use myself and have used with people across many professions and career & life stages.
These models are working models – meaning they open up access to elevated thinking, balanced power, deeper wisdom & true alignment to your design.
I designed the models to bring language and awareness to career path & purpose, leadership presence & impact, wellbeing & personal sustainability, life-style & life-cycle design, decision making & making changes.
Working with my models, as well as the best modalities I’ve come across in the past 25 years, you gain the super power to be in the current NOW reality AND explore and create pathways into the NEXT. We go beyond conventional knowledge and distorted cultural paradigms to access possibilities rooted in synergy, sustainability, interconnection & true holistic wealth.
Check out two of the models we’ll work with to set the path & structure of our work together.
I have found that lasting transformation & the best results come by creating experiences that include both focused structure & fluid spontaneity.
What you see below is the model I designed to illuminate the 6 points of focus needed to create a foundation that enables and empowers you to make choices in your career, life, relationships, wellbeing and leadership that align with your design.
Click the button below to listen to a guided audio where I will lead you through and share more about each of the parts and how we work with this model.
Tune into to Guided Audio About the 6 Pillars
Click the button below to listen to a guided audio where I will lead you through and share more about each of the parts and how we work with this model.

TWO: We Create Space for You To Explore, Experiment & Go Through the 4 Stages of Personal Transformation
If we choose to work together, we will do more than fill you up with tips that quickly evaporate once you step back into your current reality.
I work with people who are open to accessing their imagination & full spectrum of intuitive intelligence, and who desire wisdom & insight they can put into aligned action, in ways that create transformation. The kind of change that feels good, because it fits for them.
Awareness, insight, releasing limiting imprints, & gaining clarity happens over time. – transformation that sticks happens in stages, that’s just how our human system works,
See my model below that breaks down the 4 stages of personal transformation. This is why we create an intentional time span to work within, to give you the space needed to make shifts internally that lead to the external shifts you seek.
It takes 40 days to illuminate and break an unconscious pattern or imprint (stage one and two), 120 days to begin to root in a new pattern and imprint (stage three) and then the process begins to embody the elevation and integration fully, mind, body, heart and spirit, in our choices and way of living and being (stage 4).
Whether we work together in a transformational mentorship capacity or we engage in a coaching consultation, we will create intentional space for you to unlearn & unlearn, expand & experiment, and illuminate & elevate.
What took us to one level of success
cannot take us to what’s needed next.
To create a different reality, we need to expand
our expression & elevate our consciousness.
cannot take us to what’s needed next.
To create a different reality, we need to expand
our expression & elevate our consciousness.

We Create an Incubator Over a Specific Time Span + a Customized Path Based on What Serves You Best
Depending on the depth you want to explore, the shifts you want to make, and the mentorship & support you desire from me, there are 2 ways we can work together.
Option 1:
Transformational Mentorship
Experience & Incubator
Transformational Mentorship
Experience & Incubator

4 Months Mentorship + a Deep Dive Retreat (virtual or in person)
For those who truly desire to engage in a mentorship relationship, where you receive the depth & breadth from 1:1 support, gain access to wisdom & insight, have the space to experiment & grow. Elevation & transformation that lasts.
Here’s how it works:
- We create a incubator that spans across 5 months, during which we explore and bring clarity to all six pillars of your Align to Your Design Foundation. The incubator holds and guides you, and opens up access to insight that can be challenging to reveal on your own,. There will be space to explore, experiment, learn, unlearn, expand and elevate. We will chart the path together, and work with what comes up along the way. As you start to shift and gain clarity on the inside, new possibility and aligned paths open to begin re-shaping your external reality.
- We start with an Activation Session in which I walk you through the Align to Your Design & Evolving You Exploration Guidebooks and get you started with some of the foundational systems I use to bring awareness to parts of yourself you likely sense but lack language for.
- We map out the path – including your Deep Dive Retreat + 4 months of mentorship sessions. The Deep Dive Retreat can be done as an in-person retreat, as a half-day virtual retreat, or as two two-hour sessions.
- We work the path together – leading you through an experience in which you emerge more integrated & embodied in your design and expression for this next cycle of your career & life. Clear on your centerpoints and decision making guideposts for the next phase of you career, life and leadership. With momentum carrying you, new ways of working, living and creating supporting you, and a deep embodied knowing of your personal design and presence.
The Transformational Mentorship Includes:
- Activation Session + Align to Your Design & Evolving You Guidebooks
- Deep Dive Retreat (virtual and in-person options)
- 4 months of 1:1 mentorship with customized plan
- Access to my full spectrum of models, tools, processes, practices
- Customized Visual Models for Purpose, Presence & Path
- Connection & communication in -between
Because of the close nature of how we work together, I only take a maximum of 8 Align to Your Design mentorships at a time. Before we decide to work together, we set up an exploratory conversation to talk and explore if we are a good fit.
Financial Investment: Deposit + $680-$880 month depending on retreat option chosen. Total investment ranges from $4,950 to $6,700.
Next Steps: Set up a time to connect. We’ll talk and it will be clear if this and we are a good fit. I find it helpful to ask a few questions before we talk. When you go to set up an appointment, you’ll respond to a few inquiries and then choose a date and time.
Option 2:
Career Consultation
Career Consultation

2 Sessions + Customized Practice over 40-Days
If you are not quite ready for a deep dive, I created this option for those who could benefit from having a trained and wise advisor provide council, coaching & ways to creatively think and explore the questions you are asking yourself & the paths you are considering in your career and life.
Here’s how it works:
- We start by providing you with the Align to Your Design Exploration Guidebook which will take you through a vetted process I created to reflect on your path so far, reveal insight, and get to the heart of what you want to create in your career and life next. When you register, you will receive the 5-part guidebook, which includes a series of inquiries and creative exercises that you’ll engage in and respond to before our session, and share with me beforehand. People say they love this process because it starts to bring clarity to what they’ve been thinking and sensing, but lacked the language and space for.
- We have a 90-minute consultation to bring forth more wisdom, clarity and possibility for what you are specifically considering in your career, life & leadership design going forward.
- We create a 40-day customized exploration path – with focused inquiries and practices, to put into place in your day to day life – where the answers will emerge.
- We gather after the 40-days for a 30-minute Illumination session – to bring clarity to what wisdom was revealed during the practice.
Financial Exchange: $888
Next Steps: Register directly with the link below, which will start our process together. You’ll answer some short inquiries, choose your session date, and receive the Align to Your Design Guidebook to start your creative exploration.
Consider this: What would become possible if you created this next phase of your career, life & leadership using equations for sustainable success and co-creation such as:
Over the past 15 years, I have worked with people across a wide spectrum of experience, age, profession, industry, background and location.
I love working with people at different stages of their career path – early, emerging and established. This includes both people are who are in the early-mid stages of their career (5-15 years), those who have been on a specific career path for many years, and also those who have been charting their path outside the conventional trajectories and have had a variety of turns along the way.
I work across industries & professions with ease, including healthcare, law, government, finance, tech, retail, fashion, consumer goods, transportation, education, media, entertainment, communications, academia, non-profit, entrepreneurs, social innovators & more.
The common denominator among everyone I work with is the desire and courage to do things differently, and an enthusiasm to explore their full spectrum of intuitive intelligence, deeper wisdom & co-creative power.
I included some more details below + also some words from people who have worked with me.
Take a read below
I Work Best with People Who Desire to:
- Expand their influence & elevate their presence
- Focus their energy, time and resources on what matters
- Do things differently vs follow the prescribed path
- Make a meaningful impact in the world
- Experience a whole life
- Step out of the burnout, overwhelm, & self-sacrifice for once and for all
- Work in wiser, more sustainable ways, that lead to greater impact
- Collaborate with others in new ways that cultivate synergy & creativity

Who are ready and willing to:
- Gain clarity on their purpose & part now – and embrace it
- Embody their full spectrum of presence & power – and wield it
- Understand and embrace their unique design – and live from it
- Explore other ways of seeing and being that go beyond the conventional
- Unlearn habits, mindsets, and patterns that no longer serve
- Learn a different, wiser, way to live, lead, and succeed
- Experiment in their day-to-day reality, relationships and choices
- Embrace their power to affect the reality around them

And who would benefit from learning
& embodying elevated:
& embodying elevated:
- Tools to navigate the now and create the next
- Models for bringing language and clarity to your Purpose, Part, & Path
- Models for Sustainable Productivity, Change, and Decision Making
- Leadership presence – that’s authentic to you
- Relationship awareness & navigation – personal & professional
- Perspectives for influencing change & others
- Approach & practices to support your full Foundation of Wellbeing
When we set out to make changes that diverge from the ‘norm,’ it’s wise to surround ourselves with other courageous humans who have dared to choose their unique and aligned path again and again.
I’d be honored to support you in creating the next…

I asked some of the folks I’ve worked with
personally to share with you their experience.
Here’s what they wanted to share with you…
personally to share with you their experience.
Here’s what they wanted to share with you…

I’d be honored to support you in creating the next…
I asked some of the folks I’ve worked with
personally to share with you their experience.
Here’s what they wanted to share with you…
personally to share with you their experience.
Here’s what they wanted to share with you…

“By working with Christine one on one, I found deep wisdom, stunning insights and compassionate transformation happening within me. Christine creates a unique experience that weaves potent, purposeful and practical structure with her guidance, innate knowing and unique approach. I redesigned my career & reclaimed my life.”
— Karen Davenport, Corporate Real Estate & Workplace Strategy
“Christine’s guidance and support has been immeasurable. She encourages us to look at things differently and to forge a new way. She helped me recognize and overcome burnout, determine my priorities, take a much needed sabbatical, re-align my work with my lifestyle desire, and step into a different kind of leadership to influence the healthcare system in a sustainable way.”
— Dr. Kristin Atkins, University of Virginia School of Medicine
“I wanted more for my life and career, but I felt stuck. With Christine’s help, I have a new perspective, new possibilities, new career – a whole new me.” From my first conversation with Christine I could feel a shift. I started to realize the extent to which I took on way too much. I learned to trust myself, receive rather than always give, and channel my energy towards the most important thing to me, without guilt. It is amazing to learn how much can be accomplished when one gets out of their own way. Thank you!”
— Laurie Jacobsen Jones, VP of Development, Oracle, Founder of Innovation Academy Charter School
“As an executive who spent too many years overworking and overdoing, I’ve changed how I view and live my life by following the grounded guidance Christine Arylo teaches. I am now designing my life to fit my deeper goals and natural flow. Her breakthrough approach to overwhelm and to living and working differently has not only transformed my life but has also positively impacted the lives of those around me, from my family to my team at work.
— Barbara Fagan-Smith, CEO, ROI Communication and Living ROI
“The transformational mindset Christine can deliver to you in a tailored way, along with the outcomes she can help you attain, are invaluable. As a finance person, I love that Christine exists both in the reality of high-powered business as well as in the world that honors the gifts of life and love from a soul perspective. If Christine is willing to work with you in a one-on-one setting, do it!”
— Erin Harrell, Private Equity Investor Relations & Fundraising
If what I’m sharing is resonating and you are interested in exploring a mentorship, the next step is for us to connect & have a conversation. To see if we’re a right fit, And if it’s the right time.
If something like a Coaching Consultation with a 40-Day Exploration is in alignment now, let’s get one scheduled.
If what I’m sharing is resonating, the next step is for us to connect & have a conversation. To see if we’re a right fit, And if it’s the right time.
If something more like a Coaching Consultation with a 40-Day Exploration is in alignment now, let’s get one scheduled.

So Much Stronger Together
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So Much Stronger Together
Receive my twice a month wisdom letters straight to your inbox, with perspectives, podcasts, practices and insights created to keep you sustained, centered and focused on what matters in these intense times. (No junk mail or spam, just goodness).