You are Making A Difference: A self-compassion boost for when you don’t feel like you are doing enough

Heart Art created by Christine Arylo
I am writing this post on International Womens’ Day, but it’s valid, relevant and helpful for any day that you don’t feel like you are doing enough, like you aren’t making a difference, or like you don’t have the power to change or improve the circumstances for yourself, people or the planet.
I like to work with the energy of International Women’s Day to shine light + love on the impact women have made and are making in this world. So much of what we do is invisible, but it is the fabric that holds our families, teams, organizations, communities and world together. So instead of waiting for more people to like a meme we post, or give us external validation that our presence, care and choices are making a difference …
I invite you to take a pause to acknowledge and feel the difference you are making…
Take a breath, take a beat, and take this in…
If you are anything like me and so many of the courageous beings I know and teach, it can be so easy to see what your not doing, feel like you should be doing more, judge that you have not accomplished enough or even think that what you have to offer and give isn’t making a big enough difference.
And this is simply not true.
Thinking this way in fact not only lessens the impact we make, it puts a tremendous pressure on our heart on the inside – physically, spiritually and emotionally.
I myself had a “I’m not making a big enough difference attack” the other day – my ‘inner mean girls’ (what we call the inner critic within women and girls) came swooping in to point out the amazing things others were doing and to show me all the things I had not yet accomplished. Then the pressure started to build inside my body. If I had not had my Feminine Super Power of Compassion, specifically Self Compassion, at my side, I would have ended up in a full on overwhelm or self-judgment attack… zapping the energy I need to actually keep fueling my work in the world.
When I woke up today, I remembered what I love to do most on March 8th every year – to remind women of the difference they are making and to reach out to the women who have made a difference in my life.
This is leadership when feminine power leads … we slow down, lead from the heart and connect, with others and ourselves in meaningful ways. Invisible but powerful.
This is a practice we need during these intense times.
The road ahead is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.
And we need all the compassion – given to ourselves and others – to stay open and in our fullest power, which comes from our hearts.
What you will find below is special kit of self-compassion I put together to help us tune into the energy and power of self-compassion. Compassion is not a mental exercise, it is an energy we choose to give and emit, from the heart. The kit includes: a meditation I made several years ago when my second book on the 10 branches of self love came out. It streams the “medicine” of self compassion into our hearts (like kryptonite for self doubt and self criticism) AND a piece of Heart Art that includes Self Compassion Mantras created and used by the students from The Path of Self Love, the foundation I founded to teach the deeper and practical methodology of self-love.
A Self Compassion Kit
For the days you forget the truth that:
Click here to download the Heart Art Self Compassion Poster by Christine Arylo & Shannon Kaiser
May you always remember every day that your presence IS changing the world.
When we lead our families, businesses, teams and lives from this place, we have more energy, empathy, & true success .
In fact… try this…
Think right now of ONE PERSONs life you have made better just because you showed up and listened, witnessed, shared, reflected, hugged,.. that my friend is enough.
And then go into the world and love and lead more… AND do it from the place that you have already made a difference.
Feel and see the difference you have made and create from there the rest of this year.