160: Wise Woman Tea: Living Life as a Yoga with Patsy Eisenstein
When people ask me how I am doing, I always say to them “I am in the yoga of life.” It’s the most accurate, honest and frankly rewarding answer. Twenty years ago when I found yoga and it found me, I didn’t realize how much it would re-shape how I saw the world, and honestly how much it would prepare me for this world today. I can honestly say that I would not be able to do what I do, be the person I am, without it.
Yoga is so much more than being bend, meditating for hours or proving our strength by how long you can hold a pose, or if you can do a handstand.
Yoga means union.
The physical practice of yoga is just one gateway into what is a well of golden wisdom that the yogis left for us to meet the times we are in. It’s like then knew ‘this’ – today’s intense world – was coming.
And while I talk about yogic wisdom all the time, and it’s informed so much of my teachings, I also find that we have a lot of misperceptions about yoga in the western world. And there’s so much more to it that is right there, if we are willing to open up to it.
Which is why I invited a new friend, Patsy Kuo Eisenstein, a native of Taiwan who moved to the US at the age of 20, and host o f the New & Ancient Story Community to join us for a special “wise woman tea” session of Feminine Power Time: #160: Living Life as A Yoga, Yogi Perspectives for Thriving in Our Times.
We invite you to join us as we look through the eyes of the yogi, through our personal journey with yoga, the practice of yoga not just on the mat, but in every area of our lives, and how yoga as a way of life is core to our ability to serve this world and stay sustained within ourselves.
We share our experience of:
- How ‘yoga’ finds you and how the wisdom opens up to you over time.
- Leadership and power through the eyes of a Western woman practicing yoga
- Harmonic Defiance as a yogi – moving in strength, staying true to the self, receiving other people’s judgements, and following your deeper wisdom no matter what
- Dealing with people we don’t agree with, that trigger us and that we just don’t understand – in ways we don’t waste our chi ranting or fighting against, but how that make a subtle but significant impact
- What ‘living life as a yoga’ means and how to explore what that could look like for you
Tune in.
Join us.
And then connect with Patsy. And come over to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and join in the conversation.
with great heart,
160: Wise Woman Tea: Living Life as a Yoga with Patsy Eisenstein
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About Wise Woman Tea Episodes
These wise woman teas are special episodes always bringing forth a specific wisdom tradition we can lean into and look through to give us perspective, insight and elevated tools for how to meet and be with the times we live in.
About Patsy Eisenstein
Patsy Kuo Eisenstein, a native of Taiwan, has lived what seems like many lifetimes in one. She has forteen names including a spiritual name which means “the one who is without a name.” She has experienced deep trauma and equally deep healing. She is normal and she is extraordinary. Through her life long journey from the darkness and the light, she has become a yogi.
In her youth, she had worked in law offices, Silicon Valley, real estate & construction, yoga education, nature health avacate and many other fields. She’s also an artist, graphic designer, naturalist, esoteric practitioner, and a playful child at heart. Her proudest role in life is the mother of her three sons. Today she’s married and lives in Maryland USA.
She serves as host of A New and Ancient Story Community, a reverence based global community. She works closely with her former husband and forever friend and family, Charles Eisenstein.
Connect with Pasty at: https://www.naascommunity.org/
Inspired Actions with Christine
1. Share your insights and feedback on the podcast and how we communicate – I would LOVE and appreciate your feedback in the Feminine Power Time Survey.
2. Come to the Feminine Wisdom Cafe and join in on the conversation on this Podcast and others.
Click here to gain access to the cafe.
Upcoming Trainings, Programs and Community
1. Elevate Feminine Leadership Councils – for women here to re-imagine and re-design the way we and the world work. Starts Oct 22nd. www.ElevateLeadershipCouncils.com
2. Path of Self Love Essentials Training – for professionals who would love to learn specific tools to use with their clients and in their work that strengthen self-love, emotional and mental wellness, and relationships. Starts Sept. www.SelfLoveTraining.com
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