95: RECEIVE: Achieve Success & Receive What YOU Need in Your Work and Career
RECEIVE: Achieve Success in Your Work & Career and
Receive what YOU Need
Feminine Power Time Episode #95
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How do you achieve success in what you desire in your work and career, and receive the financial flow you need without driving, striving, pushing, and working so much your life gets out of whack?
Or you feel depleted because you are giving, working and doing so much, but not receiving the money, support, space, time, appreciation and recognition desire and deserve?
We have been bred to be strong achievers and self less care givers, but few of us have been taught how to be strong receivers.
We’ve been taught to be ambitious in order to be successful, so we approach our work, career and businesses like a racehorse with a strong desire for success and achievement. But even if we get ‘there’ – it doesn’t feel like enough. We cannot receive it.
A big part of my work in teaching feminine leadership and living and leading the feminine wisdom way is in teaching and living myself the feminine super power of RECEIVING.
A lack of receiving is at the root of all burnout, overwhelm, self sacrifice, overworking, over giving, feeling dis-satisifed in your work, relationships and making self sabotaging choices about what you consume.
So… I thought we should dive into RECEIVING.
This three part series of Feminine Power Time is called OPEN TO RECEIVE.
In this first Open to Receive episode: 95: Achieving Success + Receiving What You Need in Your Work and Wealth we:
- Reveal the difference between ambition and achieving and why ambition is not what you want to focus on.
- Explore how you can develop a strong capacity to receive what you need and achieve your purpose/dream/etc. without sacrificing yourself
- Do a short but mighty meditation to explore what you desire to receive in your work and wealth NOW and how you might be blocking receiving it
- How to clear about what is really driving you – are you striving from your ego or a love crack? Or acting powerfully from your strong whole self?Practices for getting clear on what you desire to achieve in your work this second half of the year and then OPEN to receive it
- How to work with the Universe so that you can relax control and open to receive more support and what you need in your work
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And come back for the next OPEN TO RECEIVE session,
focused on opening to receive the love, support, connection you desire in relationship.
Keep reading below for more resources, books, classes and feminine wisdom:
ONLINE Mid Year Power Pause & Feminine Wisdom Program
Mid Year Power Pause – Live June 23. Do anytime in June/July
Feminine Wisdom Way Training & Sisterhood
Open Enrollment June and July www.FeminineWisdomWay.com
With Christine Arylo