Ep 84: LOVE: One Man’s Perspective on Relationship, with guest Noah Martin
LOVE, One Man’s Perspective on Relationship
Feminine Power Time Episode #84 with Christine Arylo
Episode 2 of 4 in the LOVE Series
This is wisdom my life partner and the man who has taught me about 90 percent of what I know about relationships stated to me when I was writing my first book, Choosing ME Before WE. Noah is often my first line editor when I write, as he brings a deep, thoughtful perspective.
Over the years, it’s only been me and the women in my mentoring and group programs that have benefitted from Noah’s enlightening and practical wisdom. Or the few couples who have been up for doing work with us around creating powerful partnerships. He’s as trained as me, he even has his master degree in spiritual psychology. But more than that, Noah seems to have been born with a super power to understand the dynamics between people, both in the relationship and the individual. He’s been giving counsel on relationships since he was 8!
So I thought, let’s have Noah on Feminine Power Time for our series on LOVE and Relationship.
I put a call out for questions through my Facebook pages and through my Feminine Wisdom Way circle.
I used these questions to frame our conversation.
Noah says that LOVE is our natural state. Hmmm… I agree. It’s not really love that is the hard part in relationships. We love easily. It’s the trust, respect, leaning in, vulnerability, finding people willing to grow that seems to be challenging.
Tune in with me, Christine Arylo, women’s leadership advisor, MBA and wisdom teacher for this Feminine Power Time: #84 LOVE, A Man’s Perspective On Relationship with guest Noah Martin. It’s the 2nd in our 4 part series. We will dive into questions like:
- It seems like the more I grow the harder it is to find someone who is at my same level, like there are just less people? What to do?
- Do men really care about relationship? What were your fears when you met Christine and in your marriage, and how did you overcome them?
- What do you do when you seem to be growing past your partner? You want to stay connected but it’s not happening?
- What made you want to keep growing and leaning in to relationship?
- What are some of the things in your relationship with Christine that allow it to work so well?
- How do I be in relationship with someone else without losing myself?
- How do I know if the relationship I am in is not a good one for me?
- How do you get what you need in relationship without being needy or being a doormat?
There are lots of our stories. Lots of our real honest banter back and forth. Tune in and take the wisdom about love and relationship that can support any of your relationships.
And make sure to tune into the first episode, #83 (1 of 4 in the LOVE Series): How Smart Women Sabotage and Sacrifice Themselves for Relationship.
And special February Offering from Noah – to support those committed to growing and thriving through relationship
30 Minute Relationship Illumination Sessions with Noah Martin
Learn more and sign up here
There will be a pop up box or go to his coaching page.
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Then next week,
in Feminine Power Time on LOVE 3 of 4, I’ll be sharing my Salon “The Impact of Self-Love on Our Relationships”…