3 Practices for Breaking Through Patterns that No Longer Serve You
Breaking Through Patterns: 3 Practices for Breaking Through Patterns Ripe for Release (#2 of 3 in Series)
How do we breakthrough patterns and imprints that we are ready to release? What are the practices? What works? How does this invisible transformation actually work to make shifts in the material world?
Consider this: Change takes place over time, but if we can’t see the progress, we don’t receive the energy we need to stay devoted and focused.
Good news – choosing to engage in what I call “Sacred Transformation” – yours and the worlds, isn’t about waiting until all things are perfect and the way you’d like them to be … that’s a path for suffering for sure!
Sacred transformation – when you put the word sacred in front of transformation here’s what you get: “change devoted to / for the sake of creating wholeness, without violence to self or others, done with respect.”
This is a way of working with and breaking through long-held pattern in way we can expereince, receive and I dare say enjoy (even in the struggle) all along the way.
As we see the shifts happening in little ways… we start to feel them in bigger ways… the dense shadow transforms with gratitude into a lighter brigthter frequency that maintains it’s depth (and darkness now rooting in wholeness)…. and we gain the energy to continue evolving and elevating.
Let’s go deeper – Tune in to #2 of 3: 3 Practices for Breaking Through Patterns Ripe for Release.
And join us for this year’s annual 40-Day From Burnout to Balance Practice – www.burnouttobalancepractice.com
Here are some of the practices for Sacred Transformation I’ll share + here for you to explore.
- Release + Embrace (Replace)
- 4 S’s – Space + Structure + Support + Sangha
- 4 Stages of Transformation
- Triangle of Transformation
See you there!
*** P.S. Remember to SHARE this podcast with at least one friend or colleague. And then conversate on how you can support each other through your transformation.
3 Practices for Breaking Through Patterns Ripe for Release.
#1 in 3 Breaking Through Patterns No Longer Serve You Series
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- From Burnout to Balance 40 Day Practice – learn more.
- Align to Your Design – Career & Life Design Mentoring & Consulting with Christine – https://christinearylo.com/align-to-your-design-career-leadership-mentorship/
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