Ep 90: PURPOSE: Women with Purpose: Re-Imagining Feminine Power #3 of 3 with Jen Todd
PURPOSE: Women with Purpose
Feminine Power Time Episode #90 with guest Jen Todd
Re-Imagining Feminine Power #3 of 3
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Woman with a Mission. Woman with Ambition. Woman with a Job.
What is the difference between those and Women with Purpose?
You want to know this.
What is your purpose in life? Ugh! This question makes me crazy. It’s SO not helpful or empowering.
Have you ever noticed when asked that question that it short circuits you or makes you feel like you are not doing enough to make a difference?
The way we ‘hold’ purpose, and talk about it is not empowering to how women operate and work best.
Which is why this week we are going to blow the purpose models and consciousness we are taught in the current leadership and cultural paradigm out of the box!
Using our feminine power and deep wisdom, we know that purpose is something within us -not out there.
- But how do you reveal purpose?
- How do you know if you are living on purpose or what you are giving your life force is in alignment with your purpose?
- How does knowing your purpose and understanding how it’s so intricately related to who you are as a soul, and human?
- How can embracing your purpose keep you out of burnout, overwhelm and a life half lived, or wasted on things that don’t really matter?
You didn’t come here to lead a boring life, did you???
Reimagining Feminine Power – Women with Purpose
When you are on purpose, everything in your life aligns,
and you feel in the flow, supported even if it’s challenging
(which is often is).
Today I, Christine Arylo, invite you to join me and a dear friend and woman I’ve had the honor to mentor and watch bloom into the embodiment of her purpose over the last decade, Jen Todd.
In this Feminine Power Time, #3 of 3 in our Re-Imagining our Feminine Power, Women on Purpose: we’ll dive into:
- Re-defining what purpose is so it empowers you vs. short circuits you or makes you feel like your not doing enough
- Signs that you are in alignment with your purpos
- Signs you are out of alignment with your purpose
And open up the space for you to consider for yourself:
- How you reveal what your purpose in a way that empowers and excites you
- How to get out of the boxes your job or people put you in
- Where purpose is sourced from within your body, spirit and mind
- How do I tap into your unleashed passion to liberate yourself to live on purpose!
It’s going to be a self illuminating conversation.
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And keep reading below for more resources, books, classes and feminine wisdom:
Here are some of the wisdom bytes from the show:
Have the courage to follow the whisper of your soul.
What is your soul whispering to you about your calling and purpose?
Be sure to tune into the other episodes in this series – Women with Real Wealth and Women with a Voice.
With Christine Arylo
- ELEVATE Feminine Leadership Immersion 3-Day Retreat – April 25-28 – Seattle Coast Invitation details www.FeminineLeadershipImmersion.com
- EAST COAST: Feminine Wisdom Weekend – Mid Year Power Pause. Super Powers for Staying Strong and True to Yourself. Kripalu July 19-21 – Go here to learn more.
TEACHER TRAININGS with Christine Arylo
- Path of Self Love Teacher Training – 5 day Intensive – July 21-26 – In Person Kripalu – Learn more click here.