Episode 73: Dream Partnerships: Creating Relationships in Which Both People Thrive

 In Marriage, Podcast - Feminine Power Time, Relationship Wisdom Series with Christine Arylo & Noah Martin, Relationships, Year Ends and New Years

Feminine Power Time Episode #73:
Dream Partnerships: Creating Relationships in Which Both People Thrive

What do I mean when I say Dream Partnership?

Couples who dream together thrive together.
People who are clear and centered in their own dream
create partnerships that support them to soar.
Sadly, most of us have never been taught how to create such relationships.
So we need imprints for what powerful partnership really looks like.

If we desire to create a world in which men respect women,
and all people respect each other, we have to be willing to transform the lack of respect
in our closest relationships into a deep mutual respect for the self and other.
This is the realm of what I call sacred partnership and dream partnership.


Over the past 17 years, I’ve had the honor of knowing (and living with, working with and being in sacred partnership) with one of the wisest people I know when it comes to relationships and how people work and don’t work within them… my soul partner, Noah Martin, and man who has helped many women, men and couples get clear on their dreams, strengthen their connection, change their roles and open to more love.

There has been so much attention on what is wrong with relationships between men and women that we need to also shine the light on what is possible and what is working.

While we do need to right the inexcusable behavior men show women, (and frankly that women show other women and men and humans show each other) it’s essential to shine the  light on both the shadow and the more elevated possibility. Or else we will drown in the shadow, stay stuck there and keep creating more of the same.

So I’ve invited Noah to join us for this Feminine Power Time with me Christine Arylo, Dream Partnerships: Creating a Relationship Where Both People Thrive. I like to invite Noah to join us every so often to share a man’s point of view and truthfully straight up good practical wisdom on relationships.

Join me for a powerful Feminine Power Podcast on
Dream Partnerships: How to Cultivate Relationships in Which Both People Thrive


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We can’t talk about Feminine Power and Feminine Leadership if we also don’t talk about relationship, because our relationships have a huge impact on our ability to have the impact we desire, do our sacred work and be supported along the way.

Here’s what we dive into…

  • What is ‘dreaming’ really and why is it essential to any great partnership – couples who dream together grow together.
  • How do you create conversations to come up with a shared dream? And what if your partner is resistant to talking about such things?
  • Why so many couples struggle or get stuck in the mundaneness of life – and how having a personal and collective dream shifts that.
  • How to identify the poles and roles you can play into that cause one person to feel like they are sacrificing themselves for the other, and how to NOT do that.



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There are more episodes on Relationships and so much more.

If you would like to create a sacred partnership in your life, here are a few ways to work with us,
whether you are single or in relationship

One: Take the 4 Pillars of Sacred Partnership Class –
a simple 3 part video/audio series on the four foundational parts of any strong partnership.



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