Don’t Let Your Inner Critic Steal Your Dreams or Gifts for the world

 In Uncategorized, Wisdom Blog

Inside of you are offerings that you want to give to the world this year — and we want you to give them. We need you to give them – because you are the only one who can. And sometimes, we also know your inner critic can try and stop you – filling your head with all kinds of self doubt and other negative noise. Watch this love letter video with me, Christine Arylo, and one of the best inner critic transformers I know, Amy Ahlers, best-selling author of Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves, and co-founder with me of Inner Mean Girl Reform School.

If you are ready for more self empowerment and inner critic transformation make sure to join us for the self-love concert on self-love day!

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  • Jane Kuhn

    Dear Christine~
    I love you and I feel a connection to you…thank you for reaching out and sharing your love and gifts with the world. This is my year…must be my year…to begin sharing what I have been clearly told by God is the reason that I came to the Earth…to help children in need globally. I have been given ideas about how to do this…it will be in very creative, playful, light-hearted, inspirational, and I believe powerful ways.
    Will you be offering an online platform, connection, course that helps one get going? I know that I will need the support of loving creative supportive ones around me. I am not anywhere near any of your in person events. I lived in San Francisco years ago and miss being there a lot. Northern California was so wonderful to live in, work in, play in.
    Thank you, Christine. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

  • NightSong

    Subscribed to Scribd and shared event on FB and Twitter. Can’t seem to download the free Self-Love Kit. Any tips? I followed all the directions including verifying my email and paying for Scribd.

  • Susan Hood

    Dear Christine,
    Thank you for all you do to help all of us BLOOM and GROW!
    With much love,

  • Christine Arylo

    Try this link love
    Its free so no need to pay.
    ANy more issues email Lucie at

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