Intuitive Intelligence & Heart Wisdom
Feminine Power Time:
Intuitive Intelligence & Heart Wisdom
(#2 of 3 in the What is the Feminine? Series)
Can you re-imagine a world in which our intuition is valued as much as our intellect?
Where young women and girls, and all humans, are taught how to discern between their internal knowing, wisdom and truth?
Make decisions that not only make logical sense, they make heart sense …. the kind that keeps us aligned on our path … the kind that gives us the courage to speak up, stand up and do things differently?
I think we can co create this reality now – but we need new language, understanding and each other.
Consider this: There is SO much power in expanding our understanding, trust in and value system of what true intelligence is.
So much power in doing what Joesph Campbell called following your bliss, and what I call follow your heart wisdom AND don’t be a dummy pants 🙂
So much power in knowing how to tune into the 4 parts of our full spectrum of intelligence – instincts, intuion, insight and intellect.
Self trust. Creative strategic planning that supports creativity + productivity. Making choices in careers, & relationships that lead to less suffering & anxiety and more aliveness and ways to express our creative genius.. Speaking up. Just to name a few.
The mind & intellect are not built to tap into creativity and possibility, or even make wise choices. Our minds can only see what we’ve done before or seen others do. The intellect alone will make all kinds of things that are bad for our world (atomic bombs and AI to name two).
When we choose to honor, value, access, embody, employ this feminine energy of intuitive intelligence & heart wisdom… we open up the field of possibilty and creativity… we bring more heart power onto the planet… and the Universe starts showing up to show us the way to create realities that reflect the good and beautiful in humanity.
Tune into the second in the series 212: The Power of Intuitive Intelligence & Heart Wisdom
Some of what we will dive into…
- How to play with your intuition and intellect so they work together for you – so you don’t get stuck in being over rationale … or ungrounded in wishful thinking
- My 4 Eyes model for accessing the full spectrum of intelligence … which give you access to Wisdom and a higher level of intelligence Why the mental mind is not the place to look if you want to do things differently – and where to look instead
- What is heart wisdom, how do you follow it? I will also walk you through a short 4 inquiry contemplation to apply heart wisdom and intuitive intelligence.
See you there.
p.s. >> REQUEST – SHARE this with a friend and then do the heart wisdom tune in together.
Intuitive Intelligence & Heart Wisdom
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Overwhelmed and Over It – Chapter 1 – Choose What is Right for You
- Feminine Leadership Wisdom Session – for visuals and more wisdom on Power Spectrums and Feminine Leadership Archetypes – Gain Access Here
- HEART WISDOM TUNE IN INQUIRIES: I know…. I really desire… I feel… I need…
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