Lighten Your Load: Handling the Uncertainty and the Unknown #134 (Series #2 of 3)
Lighten Your Load:
Handling the Uncertainty and the Unknown
Feminine Power Time: #134
Series #2 of 3
Being able to stay centered within uncertainty in normal times is challenging, but pile on all of the intensity happening right now that is igniting fear and chaos within and around us, and even the most seasoned yogini would fret, freeze, flail or fragment.
Turn off the chatter outside and inside, and come to this session of Feminine Power Time, to exhale, BREATHE, and tune into a deeper wisdom, thought shifting perspectives and practical practices to put into place to meet the uncertainty and step powerfully into the unknown.
In this Feminine Power Time
Lighten Your Load: Handling the Uncertainty and the Unknown
(Series #2 of 3)
Being with What Is Without Being Overwhelmed by It
In part 2 of our Lighten Your Load Series “Handling the Uncertainty and the Unknown” we will dive into:
Getting clear on how much training you’ve actually had for dealing with the current levels of uncertainty
How we strengthen our ‘super power for being with and stepping into the unknown’ – like re-imprinting Basic Trust, re-leasing Primal Fear, and Seeing Different Levels of Reality (yes, we are going to put our wise woman / being glasses on).
How to create structure within the chaos that don’t have you holding your breath … you can’t hold your breath till XYZ is over or some event passes
And More.
Tune in. It is very intense right now. And this intensity as been building for years, maybe thousands. We’ll talk about time and where we are as a culture as we start this session.
I’m here.
We are in the midst of a massive transformation. How we walk through this is what matters. Sacred transformation – we are devoted to the change, awake and aware at a collective and individual level, not spiritually bypassing or staying stuck in the mass consciousness of the material world.
There is wisdom. There are tools. Together, we can and will heal, stabilize and lead the way to the new.
See you there.
Much love,
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