POWER PAUSE: Mid Year Reflect and Redirect: 6 Inquiries to Get Focused On What Really Matters the Rest of the Year (#129)

 In Feminine Super Powers, Life choices, Making Changes & Navigating Uncertainty, Personal Power & Presence, Podcast - Feminine Power Time, Power, Power Pauses, Practices, Self-Care & Self-Sustainability, Spiritual Practices, Spirituality


POWER PAUSE: Mid Year Reflect & Redirect

6 Inquiries to Get Focused On What Really Matters the Rest of the Year

Choose to Consciously Heal. Sustain. Create. Lead.

Feminine Power Time Episode #129


There is SO much you could do the rest of the year, so much and so many you could give to, but what really matters to you??

Given the current level of intensity and uncertainty, how can you create stability and sustainability for yourself and those you love and lead financially, emotionally, mentally, physically?

How can you work with the transformational energy happening to create more of the reality you desire for yourself and this world?

These are some of what we will explore together in this power pause, so you can gain clarity and focus for the next part of this year.

One of the smartest things we can do at the mid year point is to pause, reflect, realign and redesign what we are going to focus our life force, resources and time on. This is true for how you run your work life – business, team, organization, career, classroom, etc. And how you run your personal life – wealth, health, home, relationships. For SO many reasons.

This is what I call taking a Power Pause. It’s a feminine wisdom way practice and a feminine leadership sustainable success principle. It’s how we make sure we create realities that are both successful in what we desire to create and cause AND that are sustainable.

It’s also a best practice for getting out of overwhelm and the feelings that you are never doing enough or have enough.

I’ve been doing Power Pauses myself for a decade and every year at this time I teach mid year power pauses, which I call FLOW to focus your life force on what matters, in many different forms. A virtual program/retreat, in person retreats and for women’s leadership groups and teams within organizations.

For you beloved Feminine Power Time listener, 4x a year I do these special Power Pause episodes that include a series of inquiries that are like a Power Pause appetizer. They give you a taste of the full process, and enough of a taste to give you some wisdom bytes about what you truly desire this coming year.


In this Feminine Power Time #129:

POWER PAUSE: Mid Year Reflect & Redirect:
6 Inquiries to Get Focused On What Really Matters
the Rest of the Year

Choose to Consciously Heal. Sustain. Create. Lead.

In this episode, I will share with you

  • Why especially this year we are personally feeling so much pressure and how to make sure you don’t react in ways that distract and drain you.
  • The 3 realms of focus we are being called to consciously work with now in these intense times – focusing on the past to HEAL, the now to SUSTAIN, and the future to CREATE.
  • Why our productivity, health and impact increases when we work with the natural flow of the earth

In the Feminine Power Time, I’ll take you through 6 inquiries focused in 3 realms of past, present and future – which I also listed below. I invite you to journal on them. Invite a friend or your partner to share about them. And then if you want to really receive the benefit of the mid year Power Pause, take the online version, you can do at your own pace.


  1. HEAL: What inside of you is calling for a deeper healing and wholeness, so you can be more free to create the reality and world you desire?
  2. HEAL: What in your relationships is calling to be released or redesigned, to free up emotional and mental space and open up your capacity to receive the support, connection you desire?
  3. SUSTAIN: What do you need in place for your physical body to be strong, sustained and healthy? What practices / rituals are in place you preserve, keep doing? What new ones do you need?
  4. SUSTAIN: In your work, what is already in place that you can maintain and preserve, and in doing so will create more stability and sustainability for you? You can receive from the energy you’ve already created?
  5. SUSTAIN: In your relationships, what and who could you give life force and energy to this next half of the year, that would support, nurture and sustain you?
  6. CREATE: What are you being called to create – bring into form, call, cause – for yourself or the world? How and on what do you choose to use your co-creative power this second half of the year.

With heart,




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JOIN our FLOW: Mid Year Power Pause

Take a pause to reflect and consider where to focus your life force
and resources these next few months.

Do in July to get focused on what matters, and in the comfort of your home.

JOIN: www.flowpowerpause.com




Summer/Fall Session

6-month feminine wisdom training includes
Power Pause, which is the path of living, leading and succeeding in a way that supports you
to achieve what matters AND be sustained.

We only open enrollment in January or June/July for this.

To learn more: www.femininewisdomway.com




For Personal Mentoring

Harmonize and Rise.

learn more at www.HarmonizeandRise.com




The Yoga of Self Love – Join any time and start with the month of Self-Compassion
Simple practices for staying connected to yourself everyday starts!




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