What’s Your Life About: Choose what to center your life around next #124 (Series #4 of 4)2020-05-242020-05-25https://christinearylo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/christine-arylo-logo-white-125x125-1.pngChristine Arylohttps://christinearylo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/124whatsyourlifeabout_femininepowertime.jpg200px200px
What’s Your Life Really About?
Choosing What to Center Your Life Around Next
Series: #4 of 4: Harmonize to Rise Series
Feminine Power Time Episode #124
Hello dear ones… I have an inquiry for you that I don’t want you to answer, but I want you to consider, to chew on, to explore, to open your eyes to….
What have you been constellating your life around?
What do you desire to constellate your life around going forward?
This is what we call a wisdom inquiry that has the power to break you through to expanded levels of self awareness and possibility. It gets you tuned into what is really true and right for you now.
It taps you into your power to be a co-creator in your life design and reality
It empowers you to see how the choices you are making are creating the reality that you’ve been stuck in or living
It catalyzes you out of where you are stuck and what no longer serves so you can be free to create what it is you truly need, desire and are here to experience.
As we walk through this global catalyst…. we don’t want to go back to normal or keep assimilating into ways of working, living and relating that are not working for us.
Wake up your wise woman eyes. Reopen your eyes that see wonder and possibility beyond the mind. Let your wild woman whose not bound by limitations or rules free. Feel your power. Expand your consciousness.
In this Feminine Power Time #124:
What’s Your Life Really About?
Choosing What to Center Your Life Around Next
Series #4 of 4: Harmonize to Rise Series
This week we explore the power of being conscious about what is at the center of your life – and how you can use this inquiry and the framework I share to see what’s not working for you any longer and find your power to create something different.
This framework works for the self, for our family/relationships, and our society.
What you choose consciously or unconsciously at the center point of your life is what drives your choices, decisions about home, money, career, relationships, everything.
When you are the leader of your life – you consciously choose to shift this over the course of your life time. And when you do, you are so much more empowered to create a reality that supports and sustains you. And that creates the reality that gives you peace, harmony inside.
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Sunday, June 14th @ 11:30am PT | 2:30pm ET
Create space to really tune into what is right and true for you moving forward.
To create a path for the year ahead.
Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World
Full of wisdom and practice to help you take a deeper look within
at what needs to be redesigned and released and created,
with practices that create a sustainable rhythm,
re-harmonize, release stress and increase vitality.
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