What’s Not Sustainable Any Longer: Finding Our Power To Create the World We Want #123 (Series #3 of 4)2020-05-172020-05-18https://christinearylo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/christine-arylo-logo-white-125x125-1.pngChristine Arylohttps://christinearylo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/123-feminine-power-time-whats-not-sustainable2.jpg200px200px
What’s Not Sustainable Any Longer?
Finding Our Power to Create the World We Want to Live in
Series: #3 of 4: Harmonize to Rise Series
Feminine Power Time Episode #123
Hello dear ones… I have been deep in book edits but was SOOO looking forward to this conversation with you that I could not wait one more week to have it! So my notes this week are short.
Basically, tune in.
As we move into this next phase of our global wake up catalyst shift there’s an inquiry essential for us to be in – so we don’t miss the possibility and gift of this experience, so we do step into our power to do things differently and create the world we want to live in.
I’m sending you much love from the Puget Sound where the eagles and crows were swooping through the skies after I completed this session. Interesting given the crow is the symbol of the wise woman, and the eagle a symbol for the power of the current power systems (although it means much more than that!) I think they were dancing…. as we are all finding a new way….
Don’t go back to normal.
Wake up your wise woman eyes. Feel your power. Expand your consciousness.
Next week, we explore more. This week I have an inquiry to bring into all parts of your life.
In this Feminine Power Time #123:
What’s Not Sustainable Any Longer?
Finding Our Power to Create the World We Want to Live in
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