Feminine Wisdom for Meeting the Intensity… Now & Ahead #1202020-03-302020-04-05https://christinearylo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/christine-arylo-logo-white-125x125-1.pngChristine Arylohttps://christinearylo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/screenshot-2020-04-05-16.06.38.png200px200px
Feminine Wisdom for Meeting the Intensity…
Now & Ahead
Practical and Spiritual Insight for Navigating These Times
Feminine Power Time Episode #120
Every year, at the start of the year, and as the quarter turns, I do a special Feminine Power Time focused on spiritual insight and feminine wisdom for the intensity we are facing personally and globally at the time. This year, the intensity, I think we can agree,just wratched up about 25 or 2500 degrees.
We are in midst of a global, social, and personal catalyst.
Our minds want to make sense of it all, make sure we are safe, know what will happen, and search for information.Our minds are not the tool we need at this time. Because this isn’t about figuring stuff out – it’s about being with what is… pulling our heads above the chaos to see a greater truth and pattern … while also creating stability for our human hearts.
This isn’t the time to react and pivot… it’s the time to plant and ground and get clear about what you need to stabilize yourself and what and who you care for. To set the structures so you can stay harmonized or get re-harmonized when you get tweaked out, twisted up, or turned around (which you will).
In this Feminine Power Time #120:
Feminine Wisdom for Meeting the Intensity… Now & Ahead
Practical and Spiritual Insight for Navigating These Times
I talk about what’s needed now is the deeper spiritual wisdom and mystical wisdom that we can use practically at this time to support us to strengthen our capacity to meet the intensity… and instead of holding on to the old, or giving away our power to the systems, or running back to try and establish normal, we RISE UP and connect to a deeper purer wisdom that seeks to create new realities.
But first we stabilize and harmonize ourselves so we can rise. And that is not just about our mind and immune systems. Hearts, nervous systems and magnetic fields too.
I’ve been waiting to do this Feminine Power Time until I was clear on what spiritual wisdom and insight wanted to come through… I’ve been listening to what is real, what it needed and what our human hearts need.
I sat Saturday morning with coffee in my A CUP OF LOVE mug, beeswax candle lit, and this is what came streaming through.
May this serve to support you as we walk through this threshold.
See you there.
Much love,
Wisdom Inquiries:
How can I stabilize myself, and who and what I care for? (Consider this for the next one or two months).
What are the practices that I do as my bookend practice to harmonize my mind, body, heart and magnetic field? What practices do I have to re-harmonize myself when I get tweaked out, turned around or twisted up?
What places do I have to connect that support my energy and harmonize me? What places am I connecting that drain me?
What is Wisdom trying to show me? What inquiries are arising with a new set of eyes tuned into the mystical and material? (the rise post stabilize)
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Weekly STAY HARMONIZED Sessions with Christine
Love Offering for My Communities
to keep you from getting tweaked out, turned around and twisted up,
and/or to re-set and re-harmonize if you do.
Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World
Full of wisdom and practice to help you take a deeper look within
at what needs to be redesigned and released and created,
with practices that create a sustainable rhythm,
re-harmonize, release stress and increase vitality.