Feminine Wisdom: What is Holding You? 3 Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself

 In Decision Making, Feminine Super Powers, Making Changes & Navigating Uncertainty, Podcast - Feminine Power Time, Power, Releasing Stress, Self-Care & Self-Sustainability, Spiritual Practices, Spirituality, Success, Wisdom for Intense Times, Year Ends and New Years

Feminine Wisdom for The Year Ahead: 2020
#1 of 3 in Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself in Intense & Changing Times
Feminine Power Time Episode #113


Today I invite you to consider this powerful inquiry – one you have not likely asked yourself before: What is Holding Me? I know it sounds esoteric, vast, vague, maybe even irrelevant to your day to day reality. But trust me, if you want to stay centered, calm, clear in this chaotic world, you want to know.

Feeling held is the tap root of your courage to step out, make changes, and speak up. When you feel held fear cannot derail you. When you feel held you are so clear within yourself that confusion, doubt, and anxiety melt away.

But what does feeling held mean?

And what is holding you, really, as you step into 2020 and beyond?

And what do you need to know to make sure that just as a tree is held by its roots in the ground, and the network of other trees, that you have what you need to weather the storms that are surely ahead?

One of my super powers is creating powerful inquiries that open up portals to deeper wisdom within us, questions that expand what’s possibility and that shift our perspective so we can do things differently.

As we face 2020 and beyond, and I’ve been in my EMERGE Visioning and Intention Setting process, powerful inquiries that have been blowing my mind and opening up my imagination and intuition have been popping up like popcorn! I’ve been having deep conversations with friends about these and it’s been altering how I choose to focus my life force in 2020. Giving me clarity.


In this Feminine Power Time: What is Holding You?

#1 of 3 in a series
I’m calling Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself for 2020

and Beyond to Stay Centered, Calm, and Clear in Intense Changing Times
we will dive into this inquiry together.

Making powerful inquiries is one of the feminine wisdom way tools we use to gain access to our own intuition and to the imaginal field of possibility, and to Divine guidance.

So no bullet points for you to read here.

Just tune in. I promise it will be practical and relevant, and perhaps shape your choices and focuses in ways that are not only enlightening but truly empowering.

Just as a tree must be held to grow strong, so you must be too.

For you who likely holds so much for others, what is holding you?

How do you cultivate the inner knowing that you are held? And how does that change everything?


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