Ep 78: Resistance to Change and Our Callings – EMERGE in 2019 with Courage & Grace, Part 1 of 4
Feminine Power Time Ep 78:
Resistance to Change & Our Callings:
Move Forward with Courage, Compassion & Grace
EMERGE in 2019 : Part 1 of 4
These final three weeks of the year offer us a tremendous amount of power to gain the courage and compassion to meet the changes and opportunities ahead in 2019 – if you know how to work with the natural cycle and apply it to your life, work, relationships.
Which is why I’m creating this 3 part series of Feminine Power Time for you called EMERGE in 2019 – signifying how you will emerge as you step through the threshold into the new year.
The time before December Solstice, Dec 20th, the days are getting shorter and there is more darkness.
Emerge in 2019.
It’s a time to go within, to reflect, to let go, to complete.
It is our preparation for emerging.
Then the last days of December, and going into the first week of Jan before the first new moon, the light begins to return. Literally there is more daylight.
And just like waking from a long slumber, you don’t just jump out of bed and hit the ground running (unless you want to operate in the distorted masculine and feminine power models.)
You give yourself space to AWAKEN… to adjust to the light, to stretch your body, to wake up gently but purposely. (We will go here together in episode 2 of this series).
Then as the new moon of the new year emerges, so do you, now ready to DREAM the year into reality.
You don’t just make a vision board one day or set resolutions and goals that come from your head.
You EMERGE in 2019 through your power center, your heart, to create a path and focus for the year ahead that aligns with your soul’s path and your deepest heart’s desires.
Then the mind comes in to help. That will be our third episode. And also the start of the Feminine Wisdom Way Visioning Journey called EMERGE, which you can join us for, www.FeminineWisdomWay.com
Join Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, women’s empowerment coach and MBA, for the first in our EMERGE series, “Resistance to Change and Our Callings: How to Move Through with Compassion, Courage and Grace So You Don’t Get Stuck or Distracted.”
Feminine Power Time:
Resistance to Change and Our Callings: How to Move Through with Compassion, Courage & Grace,
So you Don’t Get Stuck or Distracted
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We’ll dive in together so you are prepared to emerge in 2019, including:
- Why it’s totally normal to have resistance – and how people who live their fullest lives work with it vs being distracted or bogged down by it.
- Why you don’t want to spiritually bypass the resistance or spend 5 years talking about it to a therapist – there’s gold in here for you to free and heal your heart and unleash your courage and feminine power.
- I’ll share my personal resistance story to change and following my calling this year
- And then we’ll make it it personal to you – you’ll articulate how you are currently in resistance to change, even if you really want it
- And be able to identify how resistance shows up for you – so you can identify it, be with it and use it to conjure up the courage you need to meet the change or calling calling you
- Lastly, we’ll talk about how to make sure you don’t get stuck in the resistance OR get distracted and then miss the more fulfilling reality the Universe it trying to invite you into
We may know what will happen in 2019 AND I do believe it will be a year of increased intensity.
So you can either prepare to meet the intensity coming in 2019, so you EMERGE with grace, or you can avoid it and get a whallop or universal 2×4.
I’ll share with you the prayer we use at The Feminine Wisdom Way to invoke the feminine super powers of trust and surrender, which you will need for the times ahead.
We can EMERGE into 2019 strong, stable, supported and sustained –
but that requires us to be conscious now.
The Feminine Wisdom Way 2019
Join Christine Arylo and women around the world daring to live, lead and succeed a different way.
- Strengthen your Feminine Super Power
- Access Deeper Levels of Your Feminine Wisdom
- Liberate Yourself from Overwhelm and Self Sacrifice By Learning to Work and Operate Differently
- Learn to use the natural cycles of the moon, seasons to grow your career, work, business.
Starts with Year End Reflection Ritual in December and Visioning and Intention Setting January Process
Learn More
If you are in partnership and would love to thrive as a couple and as individuals, join my soul partner Noah Martin
and I for the 2019 Dream Partnership Retreat