Preparing for 2018: Feminine Wisdom for What’s Coming

 In Feminine Super Powers, Podcast - Feminine Power Time, Power, Releasing Stress, Self-Care & Self-Sustainability, Spiritual Practices, Spirituality, Success, Year Ends and New Years

Preparing for 2018: Feminine Wisdom for What’s Coming

Stay out of the fray. Step into feminine wisdom to illuminate how you can best navigate the path ahead for 2018.

As we cross the threshold into a new year – after a very intense 2017, I’m inviting you to take a PAUSE to feel into what is true, what is coming, what is needed to navigate the waters ahead, and how and who you want to be this coming year.

In the wisdom traditions, Jan is the dreaming month – a time for listening to our hearts and souls, to divine guidance and to what is needed in the world, with our beloveds and for ourselves. We slow down to connect inward so the realities we create liberate us to be and give our fullest selves, instead of become burdens, jail cells or more things to do.

In times like this focus and fluidity is key.

Accessing our inner WISDOM – calling to become stronger.

Stepping out of the fray to stay centered in our selves and our truth is essential.



In this Feminine Power Time, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, will tap into the power of the first full moon of 2018 – known as a Wolf Moon – and we’ll shine a flashlight ahead to:

  • Illuminate a handful of potent wisdom bytes about what to expect and how to approach 2018
  • Share how NOT to make choices for the year to come – if you want to avoid burnout and overwhelm AND have the energy to have the impact you desire
  • Give you a set of wisdom based inquiries that will help you access the deeper truths within you, so your choices are guided by wisdom, not fear or old patterning
  • Illuminate the truths about why we all feel such intensity and what the yogis have said about how to meet these times with grace and vitality



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Feminine Wisdom Session – Live Jan 7th or Get Recording – RSVP


Feminine Super Power Year 2018  – Live, Lead and Succeed the Feminine Way 

Get the Invitation – 


Special thank you for the Wolf Image: From Patricia Audet

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