When You Have Nothing More Left to Give… Open to Receive

 In Burnout & Overwhelm, Wellbeing, Wisdom Blog


When You Have Nothing More Left to Give…

The alarm rings and you awake
Realizing that even though you just slept the night
Your body is exhausted
Your soul is tired
And while you try to fire your engine
To zoom out of bed to meet the day
You roll out, slowly, puttering instead of zooming

Your mind feels a little cloudy
So you attempt a few of your tried and true go-tos to slough off the tired blanket that has wrapped itself around your entire being

A shower, some yoga, caffeine, the internet … those should get you going
But yet even if they do provide a small jolt of wake up
Underneath, the tired and empty place remains
For while there is work to be done,
and people who are tugging at you for attention

The truth is…
If you took a moment out of your busy life, to look in the mirror into your eyes,
the window to your heart and soul
What you would see and hear back in response is …
“You have nothing more left to give today.”

The question is – with a busy life and many responsibilities – what do you do with that?

I’ll give you a hint…

The answer is not push through
(although let’s be honest that is what most of us do)

The answer is not ignore what you can feel in your bones is true
(although we’ve been taught to doubt our most trusted ally, our Inner Wisdom).

The answer is not to fall in a heap of despair onto the bathroom floor either because you just can’t find a way to handle everything that needs handling and take care of yourself
(although we have all been pushed to tears from overwhelm.)

The answer is… to open to RECEIVE.

You may now ask me, what does that even mean?
Open to receive?
I get it, I once asked myself that question too.
Because as it turns out, we don’t get classes on how to receive in school or on the job.
Although I imagine a world in which someday we teach and live this way as a normal way of life.

For today, here are three simple steps that you can now, and every morning (I call it the Morning Receiving Practice)  

  1. Take a beat and Take a breath. Acknowledge you can’t keep pushing through.
  2. Get connected to yourself. Close your eyes, put your hands on your body (heart and belly are best to tune into yourself physically, emotionally and mentally), breathe again as a way to connect to yourself.
  3. Tune in to your wisdom. Ask this question of your inner wisdom, “What do I need to Receive today?” or “What would I Love to Receive today?” . If you have a good relationship with your intuition and self you’ll get a response. if you have not been listening to or tuning in to your own needs and desires, you may get radio silence. In that case, we fake it till we make it – just ask yourself “What would I like to receive today?”
  4. Self Advocate: Design your day to receive this, no matter what, as an act of self-advocacy.


Annotation: Nov 2021 – Ten years later after writing this post, I still teach and do the Daily Morning Receiving Practice – for myself, with my partner, weekly with my team and I teach it to all my leadership clients. it’s a game changer. It’s what keeps us out of burnout, and supports us to have the presence and clarity to be the leaders at work, in our family and in our own lives.

In 2021, after 15 years of living it and 4 years of writing it my fourth book was published which includes this practice along with many others. I called the book “Overwhelmed and Over It: How to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World.” You can learn about it here + when you get the book, refer to section 2, Liberate Your LifeForce for the full practice.

I joke that I could have called the book RECEIVE … but no one would have bought it. Sounds nice, vs. really the depth of wisdom around so much of the overwhelm, burnout, distorted power and societal conditions we experience. Check it out, would love to share the wisdom with you.

Overwhelmed and Over It Book

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  • maura

    Thank you for this lovely gift. I closed my eyes and asked just now and my whole body spoke to me and said “rest”. I’m learning more and more to tune into my body and FEEL it and how it feels. So I’m off to bed to sleep peacefully I hope and wish it for myself.
    Much love,
    Maura xx

  • janet

    Loved your inspiring – don’t compare yourself video. At first I was turned off by Christines title ‘self love queen’ (on the other videos) but — who cares – I see that it works for you — and I think it can for me too.
    Keep up the Great Work Girls,

  • Debbie

    Hi Christine…. how are you? I am really feeling your beautiful spirit and vibrant energy. Thank you Christine, for sharing this e-mail OMG It put me to tears, it’s all good though because they’re tears of joy.
    Your page is bursting with color and personality and the information, valuable… and you blend into it all with your vibrant energy and warmth. I watched the video’s as well and they’re packed with empowering tools and technics to get us all in the flow. This service that you do Christine is an asset to myself and other women, by you just being you, real and yes wise, keep the positive vibes flowing!
    On a more personal note i think it’s time for some T.L.C.F.M ( Tender Loving Care For Me)
    You know at this time in my life I think I am going to take a well deserved trip, somewhere warm by the shore to get connected in mind, body and soul. Get a full body massage, a pedi & mani and maybe journal a bit and get out and do a little partying and maybe shopping for me.
    I just need some me time to pamper myself… and then come back and take action in my life for some much needed changes. You guys rock and I am blessed to have connected with you Christine and others, even if it’s through the internet. I appreciate all the love as well as the valuable and helpful information flowing in and warming my heart.
    Thanks again, for sharing, until next time, peace and many blessings

  • Emilia

    I loved this. Came at a great time. The work I was doing outside was delayed with rain. I read this email, felt supported & uplifted & am planning to go colour my hair & take care of me, a little later.
    Receive. Hm! I think I’ll absorb that word/thought a while longer. I feel I’ve skimmed over this word like a bird over the sea. Hm? Not exactly an efficient way of receiving. Thankyou.

  • Heather

    Thanks for sharing this! It really changed my evening. I needed it..

  • maria nieves

    Open to RECEIVE!!!!!! Yeeesssss!!!!!!! Once again Christine you are so touching and inspiring. I would be so happy if I could be at that wonderful retreat in november… but I can’t.
    I just had this message a couple of days ago: “Must believe” (and the emotion is so tender and light and loving that this message can only come from my Inner Wisdom!!! as you have taught me to listen to:-) and yesterday, believe it or not… IT?S TRUE CHRISTINE!!!:-))) I heard my Inner Wisdom saying : “You do not need to make so many and so long lists of tasks and things to do…. just get up in the morning and listen to what’s really important that day…. then in the middle of the day make a pause, stop to listen to your heart again to see what is important in that moment too… and everything will be perfect:-))))
    So these are my commitments: to listen to my heart, to my Inner Wisdom and take an action on what is really important to do 🙂
    God Bless You Christine Arylo and all your team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It’s incredibly amazing to me how you and your messages arrive just on the right moment to speak the right words that my heart wants to listen in the right moment :-DDDDDDDD
    yours eternally thankfull friend from Spain
    Mª Nieves:-)

  • Jeannie

    You don’t know how much I needed this blog. I have gotten to that point of feeling I have nothing more to give. When you lose your job after 6 years with one company, your home gets broken into and robbed, your vehicle gives out as well as your cell phone, and you have stray kitties coming to you for food since no one in the neighborhood takes the time to neuter their animals and you have a home and a man that also need attention, you wind up at your wits end. I am, but this video helped me. I need to take the time, deep breath and receive. Thank you. It’s time for me. I know that God will open the door for me soon, but just needed those little words to help me open to receive. My turn! Thank you. You are an amazing woman!

  • Patti

    Thanks, Christine! I’m off to get a (long overdue) massage!
    Love you!

  • maria nieves

    lovely pictures at the back of the videos from Christine!!!!!!!!!!! what is the name of the author??????????????? Please, would you let me know??????
    thank you anyway

  • Snuz

    WooooooohOOOOOOO! Christine you gave me just what I needed! I receive in grace and gratitude and marvel at the interconnectedness of us all. Just taught a yoga class yesterday focused on the receptive feminine quality. Today, i plant tulips in the receptive ground to remind myself that receiving gives you the ‘magic beans’ to bloom beyond your wildest dreams. Namaste~

  • Rebecca

    I needed to receive unconditional love and acceptance about my present state of life which is stress and insomnia, getting some 0-3 hrs of sleep/night. 🙂 So I gave myself unconditional love and acceptance for the state of my waking and sleeping life now, and I feel much better, less stressed about so few hours of sleep where I previously was thinking that was unacceptable. 😉

  • Angelica

    Thank you Christine, it was such a wonderful and easy excercise to listen to my inner wisdom so rapidly responding that I needed rest, love and strengh, and I received them. I feel so much better.
    God bless you

  • catherine

    Thank you. That was perfect timing. I needed to hear that message.

  • Beverly

    Thank you so much for this precious insight!
    With gratitude and best regards,

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