The Year-End Release: Clear Out Now So You’re Set Up for Next year
Feminine Power Time: The Year-End Release – Clear Out Now So You’re Set Up for Next year
Imagine living the full month of December intentionally – connected to what matters, working with the energy of the season in ways that support your wellbeing in all ways – emotionally, mentally, physically, financially, spiritually and relationally. So come the start of the next roman calendar year, you felt fresh, radiant, clear and centered … ready to receive what is to come.
Consider this Wisdom: In the absence a different option, we often revert to what we’ve done before or what the pull of the mainstream culture dictates. Only when you have a different choice, with practical application and things to ‘do,’ do you break free of unsupportive patterns and habits, and gain the power to create the reality you desire to be living.
I know… that is a big piece of wisdom to take it. Because it’s so foundational.
Which is why this month, I’m dedicating the entire set of podcasts to things you can ‘do’ in December at year end that support you to complete the year strong, clear, proud and connected to what matters …. vs. the alternative of the crazy banana world that has so many options and distractions that cause us to drain our energy, bank accounts, life force, etc. and OVER excess in ways that can never quell the deeper desire underneath.
In this episode of Feminine Power Time – 228: The Year-End Release: Clear Out Now So You’re Set Up for Next Year, I will walk you through 3 practices I do every December to:
- clear out any emotional, mental, relational or energetic “interference” you do NOT want to take into your next year cycle
- create harmony in your relationships with people, your body, and your money, so you start the next cycle with more peace, and low to no drama
- plant the seeds for what you want to manifest and experience next year in projects, career, relationships, so they are there waiting for you to re-engage with.
I’ll share and take you through 3 Releasing practices:
- Release Twiggly Danglers – clearing these out. Choose 1 relationship. Choose either your money or body and action to embrace the twiggly dangler into harmony.
- Release a Short & Transform the “Feels” Attached to It – choose one short – disappointment/failture/shortcoming that was related things out of your control, professionally, personally and in the bigger planetary reality.
- Release Threads of Possibility into Next Year – choose projects and relationships you want to put some energy into now, to see potentials for next year, so they are there waiting.
I so love this practice! May it bring you peace, possibility and power.
To TUNE IN to The Year-End Release – Clear Out Now So You’re Set Up for Next year
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