Imagine a World of Self Love
I produced this self love video, super short 3 minute clip to INVOKE the energy of self-love in your heart – for yourself and for every woman and girl in the world.
After hearing over and over again as I went into the world to teach and share the message of self love, things like “Self Love is selfish. It’s hippy dippy. I’d rather talk about leadership or health than self-love. Isn’t self love the same as self-esteem? And the worst, “Self Love? Smirk. Do you mean masturbation” I decided that the world could use a short PSA on what self-love is and why it is one of the most essential foundational parts of the fabric of our being. We just as a culture don’t understand it, don’t really teach it well or at all, and most of us don’t know how to practice it or even where to begin.
As the founder of the international movement of self-love, I felt called to create this video, so that every February, we could ALL watch it and remember how essential self love is for ourselves and those we love and for all the women and girls in the world. I know it’s essential for men too, but I am a woman so this is where I started.
While I wrote and spoke the words, this creation which I do watch every February to invoke the spirit of self-love (just like in December I watch It’s A Wonderful Life to invoke the energy of the holiday spirit), was made possible because of the hearts of all the women you will see in the movie – and a man and two women who you wont see – who gave their energy and time out of their belief that self love does really really matter.
A special thank you to Califa Weiss for filming and editing this movie. To Elzbth Cich and her wise daughters. To Indigo, Yelda, Anne Wagner, Melanie Dewberry Jones, and all the other women who spoke and opened their hearts so beautifully. To Rob Ahlers and Roxanne for the music and vocals, especially made for this and for the self love movement. To Lone Morch for her beautiful studio.
Together as we choose to love ourselves, I know we can and will create a world in which all children born are born connected to love and stay connected to that love. Where we truly do love our neighbors as ourselves because we DO love ourselves, for real.
There is nothing more beautiful, powerful or free than a person who chooses to love themselves #chooseselflove (shareable)
February 13th is the international Day of Self Love – every year I host a special event where you can check in to see where you need more self love this year, and then make the promises that will help you stay true to yourself this year. This self love ritual is hosted via livestream for free – you can RSVP here at
You can also choose to join us after the ritual for a special workshop and “playdate” where I and my soul sister and founder of the intentional creativity movement Shiloh Sophia McCloud will lead you through creating some super power self love tools – a personalized hand painted deck of self love affirmation and mantra cards + a special LOVE Poem & Poster for YOU. You can also RSVP for that at