New Year Visioning Path: How to Flow Your January

 In Burnout & Overwhelm, Cyclical Living, Success, Wisdom Blog, Working Differently, Year Ends and New Years

Without a structure for how to think about and new year visioning path the start of the year, it’s way too easy to get caught up in the collective pressure and chaos. And then you end up setting goals, intentions and plans from a place of pressure, lack and reactivity vs. your deeper truth, knowing and wisdom. Instead here’s a different way to think and approach your new year visioning path.

One practice I use in my life and teach in the Feminine Wisdom Way and Overwhelmed and Over It to create sustainable success is setting a time span for the start of the year of 4-6 weeks, to give yourself the space to consider what you might choose to give your  life force, time and resources to professionally and personally in the coming year cycle. This works for a few reasons:

One: The first two stages of sustainable co-creation are impulse and intuition.

Without the second stage, you end up creating realities that make more work not more reward. And that often keep you trapped in situations that aren’t truly what you need, or desire. See the glyph below from Section 3 in Overwhelmed and Over It.

However, when you give yourself the space to have the impulses, and then feel and sense into which are wise to follow before forming mental thoughts, your actions for what you focus on in the next year will be more focused on what matters and what is truly aligned for you.

Which looks like this:

For me this slowing down and giving myself the full month of January to be in active co-creation has been such a wiser new year visioning path.

Two: When you have a time span with a start and end, the parts of you that don’t trust your intuition and the parts that feel pressured to know and have a plan can chill out. 

This is a practice I call “Creating Healthy Pressure” – which marks a start date and an intended completion date and creates a creative space to work within that is both focused and fluid. It looks like this:

We apply these two sustainable success principles for working wise and living well to how we start and create the next yearly cycle – our new year visioning path – by :

  • Choosing to slow start your January – and rise into the year vs hitting the ground running,
  • Explore what you desire to and what is in wisdom to focus your life force on in the next year cycle – using different intuitive thinking and creative processes and practices
  • Choosing and committing to intentional focuses professionally and personally at the natural time for seeding intentions, early February – February 1st which Chinese New Year/Imbolc/Ground Hogs Day/New Moon or by Feb 13 which is Self Love Day
  • Create a visual representation of your intentions which sets the path 
  • Move into focused, fluid action, in co-creation for the rest of the year. You stay in relationship to these intentions in a way that empowers you to stay flexible and fluid.

For 2024, I here’s the linear path I suggest for a new year visioning path.

Experiment with it. It’s what I will be doing because it’s worked for me the past 15+ years.

Instead of starting my year like the woman on the left below, which then set me up for a pressure filled, busy and overwhelming reality all year, I start my year centered and rooted into what is right for me. This makes it way more likely we make choices all year aligned within ourselves.

Flow into 2024 – A Path for Revealing What’s Right for You This Year

      1. January Week 1 –> January 11th – Flow Between Staying in Neutral + Allowing Slow Start. Tune into Deeper Wisdom. Be in Inquiry not Action.
        This week is co creative practices that tune you into wisdom for year ahead. It’s often called “The Dreaming Time.” The first new moon of 2024 is not until Thursday the 11th – so it’s like rising into the light, staying in slow gear, so you can hear the whispers of wisdom, and the direction the Universe is pulling you towards. Not time for deciding, making resolutions and having answers
      2. Jan Week 2 – Expanding Time
        Expand into possibility. Play with all the possibilities. Still in 1st gear.  No need to act or plan. You get to stay in the energy of water – intuition, imagination, desire, the heart before moving into the third phase of moving into the intellect and thought. When you take space to expand, what you create will go beyond the limits of your mindset or past experience. And keep you from creating more work and things to do vs. what truly matters to you
      3. Jan Week 3:  Feel into & Focus On What’s Right for You
        Feel forward into the reality you really desire to co-create in 2024. Working with the shift in energy at January 18th, the half moon waxing (natural focusing time), begin to articulate focuses for 2024 that support you to ACHIEVE & RECEIVE. Feel where the momentum wants to flow
      4. Jan 25th – Full Moon – The Wolf Moon
        The first full moon of 2024, often called the Wolf Moon, a symbol of wisdom, liberation and freedom. The full moon, about expanding your capacity to receive, express and connect.  This is a week of really feeling into what YOU desire to receive this year, what support you desire, and getting clear on what is not supportive and what is. So you can be supported to give your gifts and be in your life, without burning out.
      5. Feb 1 Imbolc through Feb 13th Self Love Day: Set 2024 Intentions. Commit. Create.
        Seed your intentions for coming year cycle. Choose, commit & create visual representation.


Remember the Wisdom : Don’t Rush to A Decision Just to Get to A Feeling of Comfort & Safety Inside


Ways to Go Deeper

I gather conscious women around the world in this EMERGE process every year.
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Check out the Overwhelmed & Over It Book  

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