Dancing Through Intensity: 5 Practices to Stay Sustained In Busy, Challenging, or High Output Times

 In Burnout & Overwhelm, Happiness, Intuition, Personal Power & Presence, Podcast - Feminine Power Time, Power, Practices, Self Love, Self-Care & Self-Sustainability, Wellbeing

Feminine Power Time #193:
Dancing Through Intensity: 5 Practices to Stay Sustained In Busy, Challenging, or High Output Times

Did you know that the word “busy” means “meddlesome” and “interfering” and every time we use phrases like, “I am so busy” or “I am too busy too,” we push away the exact connection or support we both need and desire during intense times.

Or how putting up our busy badge is disempowering and isolating vs empowering and connecting?

Or have you ever considered how you navigate intensity when you either actively engage in it or it unexpectedly find yourself standing the midst of it?

In the decade plus of my research for what became the book Overwhelmed and Over It, and is one of the root of my feminine leadership work is this:

Instensity is part of life. Intensity is not good or bad, although some kinds of intensity feels so much more empowering than others. It’s what the tools we have for navigating within the intensity that make all the difference.

In your life, there will be times you choose intensity. And there will be times when the intensity happens to you – out of your control or desire.

Most of us have been woefully educated or prepared how to move – how to dance – through intensity. So we grind, strive, push through it, or find ourselves in the middle of puddle, or a confusion, anxiety, frustration, overwhelm storm within it.

Add to that how our overculture has made “being busy” a badge of honor and success. Or how we’ve been taught that working hard and realizing success means pushing through until the project is done or goal is reached, to the detriment of our own mind, body, spirit and emotional wellbeing is just how it is.

And you can explain of what seems normal in our society is actually anything but.

There is a different way to be with the intense times in our lives – chosen or found, stretching or struggling – that empower us to move through it with grace, gumption and more support and connection.

Which is why I chose to call us together for this conversation and exploration of Feminine Power Time – #193 – Dancing Through Intensity: 5 Practices to Stay Sustained In Busy, Challenging, or High Output Times.

Tune is as we explore and apply to your life now and in the future:

  • The signs you are in times of intensity and the different kinds of situations that are worthy of calling it ‘intense”
  • Why you want to kick the work “busy” out of your language library
  • 5 practices and pieces of wisdom about how to be with the intensity you find yourself in – whether you chose it or it chose you
  • How we can dance through intense time, with the support and connection of others.

For this session, I invite you to bring your copy of the book Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World with you. If you don’t have your copy yet – chose a place to buy your copy from here.

Mostly — bring any situation you find yourself in right now – or in the recent past – that felt overwhelming, busy, too much of a stretch, intense, even if you chose it …. and then take these practices and wisdom teachings into your life and see what happens!

with great heart,




Dancing Through Intensity: 5 Practices to Stay Sustained In Busy, Challenging, or High Output Times

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1. To be notified of upcoming programs: Sign up for Christine’s twice a month wisdom letter here.

2. The Weekly Reset Practice – access on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe here –  (will be live Oct 12.2022)

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Upcoming Happenings & Trainings & Retreats

1. Gather and Guide Your People: Transformational Program Design Training, Incubator and Council www.GatherandGuideYourPeople.com

2. Private Elevate Feminine Leadership Wisdom Quest – Nov 11-13 – for women exploring the next cycle, focus and expression of their sacred work, life and design –  email Christine directly for more information at christine@arylo.com


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