Valuing The Mother: #1 of 3 in Embrace Your Power To Create the World You Desire to Live In Series
Feminine Power Time #155
Valuing The Mother: #1of 3 in Embrace Your Power To Create the World You Desire to Live In Series
We have so much power within to create the world we desire to live in, for ourselves, those we influence and our society – but in the current reality, with the current stressors, we face, that can seem so far away or like self help rah rah. When it’s anything but.
Knowing where our power is to take the pressure off, create space for ourselves, receive what we need, focus our energy and resources is essential for anyone who wants to make an impact, in a way in which you are sustained do. This is where our feminine power comes in.
In this series, we are building from the energy of the 5-year anniversary podcast Ep 154: Embrace Your Power to Create the World You Desire to Live In, to make this profound possibility and wisdom practical and applicable to you and your life.
The series will take us into 3 realms of where our power lies to do things differently, to be conscious creators of reality and culture and society and our lives. Archetypes we have within us that we can access to be and feel empowered to see where we can make shifts: the Mother, the Maker, & the Co-Creator.
In this episode #155 of Feminine Power Time we dive into Valuing the Mother, exploring
- What is The Mother archetype and energy? All of us can be mothers, even if we choose not to be parents.
- The distortions in our current over-culture that cause us to undervalue or devalue the Mother, and as a result burnout, not get what we need, and stay stuck in society that requires us to produce more, grow faster, give more and do more, always.
- Three aspects of our Mother Power: To birth. To nurture. To advocate.
I’ll take you through these three aspects of Mother Power so you can take the pressure off yourself, give yourself the space and support you need, and shake off the over-culture B.S. that is not serving you.
We’ll end with a super powered stand to say NO MORE to what is not supporting you.
See you there,
Feminine Power Time #154
Valuing The Mother: #1of 3 in Embrace Your Power To Create the World You Desire to Live In Series
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Go deeper. Make this real in your life.
- Join Christine for the Overwhelmed and Over It: A Path to Sustainable Success experience.
Starts April.
Learn more - Visit our private community space The Feminine Wisdom Cafe and access the Navigating Uncertainty video series (it’s not on Facebook) where women who dare to do it differently gather. It’s free to visit.
- For people ready to do the internal transformation to create an aligned life and work and relationship design – explore person mentoring with Christine
Harmonize & Rise.
Get your copy of Overwhelmed & Over It
I & Sustained in a Chaotic World, she’s ready for you!
This is how we make and co-create the new, without burning ourselves out.
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Thank you Christine for high lighting what the world is doing and not saying. 20 years as a registered nurse, 21 years a single mother, 20 years an artist. Very little mothering and support. Finding out how wonderful it feels to be supported loved and nutured.