LOVE: The Power of Sisterhood to Create the World and Life You Desire
LOVE: The Power of Sisterhood to Create the World and Life You Desire
Feminine Power Time Episode #132
Series #3 of 3
If you were to ask me what is one of things that has been the most supportive to helping me bring my sacred work into form, grow in my career and stay true to my path, make bold changes in my life, move past my own doubt and fear to find clarity and courage I would tell you – Sisterhood. Not networking. Not professional trainings where everyone shows up and pretends they have it all together. Not the number of followers on my social media. Sisterhood that is rooted in straight up love.
Now before you go getting images of some sappy hallmark card or some kumbaya circle of women holding hands, let me invite you into a conversation that I hope will open your eyes and heart to what sisterhood is and how it relates to the real, whole life success we desire.
Because if you and I are going to make it through this transformational time, we need to elevate our understanding and our tactics for how we go about creating the supportive sisterhoods I believe we need to show up for ourselves and what matters to us… to bring our purpose and potential into form… and to stay, harmonized, healthy and happy along the way!
If you and I want to create the world we desire – for ourselves and what matters to us, we need sisterhood. And I mean need.
In this Feminine Power Time #132:
LOVE: The Power of Sisterhood to
Create the World and Life You Desire
(Power of Love Series #3 of 3)
For the last in our 3 part series on The Power of Love, I invited a woman who has dedicated her life’s work to sharing and teaching people the science, art and heart of relationship in the realm of friendship – not just in the nice see you on Saturday kind of way, but in the way that stamps out loneliness, isolation, doing it all on your own, and even burnout.
Her name is Shasta Nelson, she and I have been friends for over 10 years, and through that time have grown that friendship that stemmed from our common missions and work in the world, into a true sisterhood. And we are both birthing our new books together this year – Shasta’s The Business of Friendship, focused on developing more meaningful connection within the workplace and in our careers.
This is the first of a series of Catalyzing conversations I will be hosting on Feminine Power Time, where I want invite you into a conversation with me and another powerful, soul centered catalyst for change that can take us all to another level of consciousness and empowerment.
Tune in. Pour some tea. I myself had a catalyst breakthrough – more on the podcast:
The Power of Sisterhood to Create the World You Desire.
And make sure to check out Shasta’s new book: The Business of Friendship: Making the Most of Our Relationships Where We Spend the Most Time. Go here to learn more.
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Summer & Fall Programs

The Yoga of Self Love – Join any time and start with the month of Self-Compassion
Simple practices for staying connected to yourself everyday starts!
Summer/Fall Session
Live, Lead and Succeed the Way Women Work Best
6-month feminine wisdom training includes
Power Pause, which is the path of living, leading and succeeding in a way that supports you
to achieve what matters AND be sustained.
We only open enrollment in January or June/July for this.
To learn more:
Private Transformational Mentoring with Christine
Harmonize and Rise.
learn more at
Coming This Fall 2020
- The Path of Self Love 12-week Training – Starts Late Sept 2020. Healing Tools for Getting to the Heart, for those who work with women and girls. To receive the invitation go to
- Elevate Feminine Leadership Council: Re-Imagining the Way We and The World Work: For Women Leaders and Change Agents who are here to influence systemic change – Starts Late Sept 2020.