LOVE: Power of Sacred Relationship to Heal & Free Yourself and the World #131 (Series #2 of 3)
LOVE: Power of Sacred Relationship to Heal & Free Yourself and the World
Feminine Power Time Episode #131
Series #2 of 3
You know the saying that our relationships are some of our biggest teachers? Truth. And today, as we go through this major time of transformation and change, we can either embrace our relationships as ways to heal, so we can create realities based in wholeness instead of woundedness… or we can keep re-creating the same wounded patterns, acting them out over and over.
I vote for embracing our power, and taking a look at what is going on in our relationships right now. To shine the light on what is going on in your heart right now when it comes to your closest relationships – the ones you struggle with, the ones from the past that are still lingering on, the ones that bring you support and joy and want to grow and the ones that you desire to create that don’t exist yet.
If we want a world, a society, systems and ways of thinking, that are rooted in respect, love, kindness, compassion we have to look within and at our own relationships too.
All lasting systemic and social change must be rooted in personal transformation and healing. Which is one of the reasons we have not broken through as a society, yet, through what is clearly so not working.
- What would be possible if the relationships you had currently came from wholeness vs. your wounds?
- What if your relationships didn’t have to be things you worked on or worked out or figured out? What if you could learn and evolve through love, vs pain and drama?
- What would be freed up for you if you could let go of any of the lingering resentment or righteousness between you and others?
- What would be opened up within you if the relationships or kinds of relationships that typically are challenging and painful for you, became sources of learning through joy vs. struggle?
You would have a lot more energy, time, clarity, support, and connection.
I know this to be true because for 20 years I have embraced relationships as a teacher for me.
In this Feminine Power Time #131:
LOVE: Power of Sacred Relationship to
Heal & Free Yourself and the World
(Power of Love Series #2 of 3)
In this episode of Feminine Power Time, #2 of 3 in the Power of Love Series, we focus on the power of relationship.
I invited one of my “teachers” to join us – the man who has taught me how to learn through love vs. pain in my primary partnership. He is my life partner Noah Martin, who is also an amazing relationship adviser and a human that just gets relationship and how to be in it powerfully.
In The Power of Sacred Relationship to Heal & Free Yourself and the World we’ll dive into:
- The triangle of transformation – how to think about and see what’s happening in your relationships and find the power to both heal what is and has been, and create what you desire.
- What real partnership is, why you don’t want a romantic relationship, and how the mainstream imprints have create unhealthy mindset about relationship
- How to identify where you might have plugged people into your love cracks, keeping you stuck in cycles of relationships that aren’t healthy or happy
- How to identify your relationship teachers and transform them into vessels for your elevation and liberation
- How to release energetic ties of blame, shame, anger, resentment without condoning others behaviors (so you are freer).
We’ll dive deeper into the healing and freeing part of the triangle of transformation today because if we don’t go there and get real about what it takes to truly return to hearts that are WHOLE vs full of HOLES, we will just keep recapitulating the same wounds in our lives, that then creates the society and systems we know are not working.
Lets use the power of love to do things differently!
See you there.
Christine and Noah
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More Resources
Sacred Transformation Wisdom Session – Watch or listen to it here.
Choosing ME before WE, the book
(by Christine and featuring much of Noah’s wisdom)
Go Deeper & Learn More with Christine Arylo
Summer Programs

The Yoga of Self Love – Join any time and start with the month of Self-Compassion
Simple practices for staying connected to yourself everyday starts!
Summer/Fall Session
Live, Lead and Succeed the Way Women Work Best
6-month feminine wisdom training includes
Power Pause, which is the path of living, leading and succeeding in a way that supports you
to achieve what matters AND be sustained.
We only open enrollment in January or June/July for this.
To learn more:
Private Transformational Mentoring with Christine
Harmonize and Rise.
learn more at
Coming This Fall 2020
- The Path of Self Love 12-week Training – Starts Late Sept 2020. Healing Tools for Getting to the Heart, for those who work with women and girls. To receive the invitation go to
- Elevate Feminine Leadership Council: Re-Imagining the Way We and The World Work: For Women Leaders and Change Agents who are here to influence systemic change – Starts Late Sept 2020.
More to come.