Re-set and Re-Focus: Superpower Practices for Staying Centered, Calm & Clear in Chaotic Times #3 of 3 (ep #119)
Superpower Practices for Staying Centered, Calm &
Clear in Chaotic Times
#3 of 3 in Grace Under Pressure Series
Feminine Power Time Episode #119
In the midst of intensity and uncertainty it can seem crazy to ‘pause’ … but it’s exactly what wise, sane, empowered people do. It is what gives us the power to see what is real. What is needed and how to best focus our life force and resources so we are sustained on all levels. Today, I share with you and walk you through a POWER PAUSE – a practice I do and take others through every quarter turn of the year, specifically on the Equinoxes and the Solstices. I will tell you more about why in the podcast.
A Power Pause in normal times is a leadership best practice – for leading your life, your organization, your business, your team, your health and wealth, everything. It’s time to pause and…
REFLECT to see all that you have already done and acknowledge it, so you can SEE and feel that you are making a difference and things are happening. Otherwise you always feel like you aren’t doing enough.
RE-HARMONIZE & RESET – to reset where things feel out of whack or imbalanced, so you can stop any energy or resource leaks, to make sure you have what you need to be Sustained emotionally, physically, financially and relationally.
REFOCUS – like we talked about last week, in times of uncertainty you want to invoke your power to create and move into creative action. A power pause helps you do that in a shorter time span that feels manageable vs overwhelming.
In Intense times, I don’t know how to stay focused, centered and sustained without them. Good thing we don’t have to.
In this Feminine Power Time #119:
Re-set & Re-Focus:
Superpower Practice for Staying Centered and Calm in Chaotic Times,
#3 of 3 part Grace Under Pressure Series where we dive into:
We’ll talk about the bigger Power Pause that’s happening globally and a perspective on how to be with what is happening, in a way you are prepared and wise vs. panicked.
And how to break down and work with ‘time spans’ to help you focus in more manageable spans so you can focus on what matters.
I’ll lead you through a set of Power Pause inquiries we use specifically during the Equinoxes that will help you re-set and re-focus between now and May 1st or June 21st – Solstice – depending on what you choose.
I included the inquiries below.
Wherever this finds you today love, know that these structures and practices are what hold, center and guide you through any storm. Slow down. Press pause. Let’s tune into your deeper knowing and the Universe’s guidance.
with heart
p.s. If you missed the Grace Under Pressure Feminine Wisdom Session: Staying Clear, Calm and Centered in Chaotic Times, you can still listen or watch it –
Wisdom Inquiries:
Choose your time span – between now and May 1st (about 7 weeks, 40 days, or the super power day of Beltane), or June 21st Solstice (half way point of the year). Set the space and get clear these, and then focus here:
- What do I need to be sustained – physically, emotionally, relationally?
- What is imbalanced or out of harmony in my life? Or desiring more attention now? Physical foundation of home, health, wealth, practice? Relationships professional or personal? In career or work?
- To reset and re-harmonize these imbalances or desires, what needs to be released? or re-designed?
- Where is my life force being called to focus and flow between now and the time span I choose? In my physical foundation of home/health/wealth/practice? In my relationships? In my work/career?
- Focus giving your life force where the flow guides you (give here)
- Choose 3 imbalances and re-harmonize them between now and the end of this time span (re-set here)
- Claim what you need to be sustained and take the action needed to receive it (receive here)
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Feminine Wisdom Session
Grace Under Pressure:
Super Powers for Staying Clear, Centered and Calm in a Chaotic World
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