Have Stronger Connections to People & Community: #2 of 3 in the Trinity of Connection Series – Feminine Power Time #110
Feminine Power Time #110
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Most of us crave more meaningful, real connection with others, yet we also don’t know how to cultivate it. Nor do we understand how we are holding ourselves back from the relationships we desire, individually and in community, professional and personally.
As humans we need connection with other people to feel strong, safe, and loved. As leaders, we need connection with others to bring our sacred work into the world in ways that sustain us vs. deplete us.
In this Feminine Power Time Power Pause #110:
Have Stronger Connections with People & Community in
#2 of 3 in the TRINITY of CONNECTION Series
Join me, Christine Arylo, as we dive into:
- What is false connection or the kind of connection that doesn’t really satisfy you – leaves you hungry
- What is holding you back from opening up to receive the connection you desire?
- How to reveal emotional and energetic entanglements from past relationships that make it hard or impossible to create new healthy relationships.
- How to release past emotional and energetic entanglements in a good and powerful way.
I will also guide you to:
- Reveal which connections you currently have that could be grown or deepened in the coming year
- Make invitations to others to deepen connections in a way that’s not weird or needy
- Put out into the Universe the kinds of individual connections and community connections you desire to seed and grow over the next 1-3 years to support you in your sacred work and life design. Give and Receive!
I’ll share some of my process as I am going through this exploration again myself, as I often do every year at this time.
Connection is something you cultivate consciously.
Working with what you desire AND allowing the Universe to guide you to connect like a divine switchboard operator. So much better than distorted networking … our super power comes from meaningful and authentic connection.
Tune in. This is ripe and ready for you to put into practice in your life now.
We all need connection. In fact, the wealthiest people are the ones who truly have meaningful connection.
See you there!
Wisdom Inquiries from Feminine Power Time
- Where are you settling for or filling up on surface level connection that may give you a quick hit but leaves you feeling empty? Or doesn’t really fill you up and leaves you disappointed?
- PAST: What is holding you back from opening up fully to receive the connections you desire?
- PAST: What emotional or energetic entanglements are cutting off the flow from the connections you truly desire?
- PRESENT: What kinds of connections are missing in your life now? What connections do you need? Desire?
- PRESENT: What connections already exist in your field that you could grow or deepen? (who is already here!)
- FUTURE: What connections do you need and do you desire for what you desire to create in your sacred work and life design in the next 1-3 years? Consider individual connection and community connection.
- PAST: Release at least one emotional or energetic entanglements in the next week or two.
- PRESENT: Invite 1-3 people or communities to grow or deepen in your connection in a way that feels inviting
- FUTURE: Get clear on the connections you desire going into the next 1-3 years and put it out there – speak it, tell people about it, write it into your journal, make it part of this years intentions.
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Keep reading below for more resources, books, classes and feminine wisdom:
With Christine Arylo
RSVP for 2019 Power Pause
Year-End Reflection Ritual
Year-end Power Pause with Christine Arylo,
Dec 19th, 5:30 pm PT – My gift to you.
(there is a recording of this Year End Ritual – so if you missed it
or you weren’t able to attend live, you can still receive the wisdom)
The Feminine Wisdom Way + Emerge Visioning Process 2020
Put what you learn here at Feminine Power Time into practice in your life, career, relationships and health and wealth.
Starts Jan 5th with the 2020 Visioning Process.
Enroll now so you get the pre-visioning space for dreaming and reflecting.
A Different Way to Dream , Focus & Set Goals
Wisdom Session on Jan 2nd.
RSVP for free at www.FeminineWisdomSession.com