Feminine Power Time #66: Relationships: Create the love, connection, support, community you desire, on purpose
Feminine Power Time Episode #66:
Harvest More of What You Want in Your Relationships By Year’s End
#3 of 3 in this Series on Self Empowerment & Relationships
Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo
Feminine Power and Wisdom Teaches:
What you focus on grows.
You have the power to create your reality.
Great relationships are cultivated with intention, focus and commitment.
Which means…
You can’t just leave your relationships –
be it intimate partners and family, sisterhood or community –
up to chance.
Self-empowered women connected to their feminine power and wisdom choose to intentionally cultivate and harvest the relationships they desire, in their work and personal life.
So if you desire more connection, love, support, community, and sisterhood tune in.
Join us for a powerful Feminine Power Podcast on
How to Create the Connection, Love, Support, Sisterhood and Community You Crave
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This is the #3 in our three part series of Self Love and Relationships at Feminine Power Time, “Harvest More of What You Desire in Your Relationships by Years End!” from me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership and wisdom advisor.
I invite you to turn off the chatter and tune into what matters to you, by joining me for an exploration focused on:
- “What do you desire to harvest more of in your relationships this year?” so that by the end of the year you are experiencing in your real life these relationships
- Getting to the heart of what you desire vs getting stuck in your mental pictures or stopped by your fear of being hurt, being vulnerable, being rejected, etc.
- Gaining clarity on what you desire in the 3 major realms of relationship – your ‘anam caras’ (beloveds), your sisterhood and your community (global and local)|
- Taking small but mighty action to harvest these relationships, using the Feminine Super Power of Intention and the Feminine Super Power of Focus
- How to articulate what you desire in relationship most powerfully so you can magnetize the people and relationships you truly desire, that will support you now in your life
And then make this real by putting your intentions onto paper.
Between now and the end of the year in the 3 realms of relationship strong wise women cultivate intentionally?
- BELOVEDS: For your partnership, companion, mate, dating: What do you desire to FEEL more of in your beloved relationships?
- BELOVEDS: For parents: What do you desire to cultivate and harvest between you and each of your children individually?
- SISTERHOOD: Who do you desire to be in sisterhood with? Who are these women? What are they like? What are they up to? If you gave them a name, like a sisterhood circle, what would you all be called?
- SISTERHOOD: How do you desire to feel in this sisterhood? What rises up and grows within you because you are in this sisterhood?
- COMMUNITY- LOCAL: Who do you desire to be in closer connection with in your local community? What do you desire to be a part of?
- COMMUNITY: GLOBAL: Who do you desire to be in closer and stronger connection with in globally, through techonology, networks, or other ways of connecting that are not in person but that are meaningful to you?
And then stay connected with me, Christine and Feminine Power Time by
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Connect now 🙂 xo
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