The Feminine is Under Attack: How Do You React?
The Feminine is Under Attack: How Do You React?
Courageous women have risen above the forces that would try to diminish, distract, and discount their innate feminine power and wisdom because they feared the power of the feminine heart – for thousands of years. Not able to ‘control’ them, these powers sought to discount and derail them.
What we are seeing today in the media has been present on this planet for thousands of years…
We just now have a tickers tape, social networks and 24/7 media so that this kind of blatant disrespect and disregard for the sacredness and power of the feminine body, heart and soul cannot be ignored.
Scholars and spiritual sages have spoken for years that what we see is “an attack on the feminine” – not just in men, but from women too. But what does that mean, what does that have to do with you, and why is this wisdom all women really need to know.
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In this Feminine Power Time, join me Christine Arylo, as we step out of the media madness where it’s too easy to get caught up in the fear and frenzy, so we can:
- Gain an elevated perspective – See what’s really going on at a cultural and spiritual level – that the elections and media are just reflecting. Step back to see what’s exciting about this!
- Get real – Have our emotions – anger, frustration, sadness, despair – fully without falling into the exact thing we are fighting against.
- Get Wise – How do you use your emotions to fuel the changes you want to see?
- Get Personal – Each of us has a part to play at this time in humanity when it’s just not okay for any human to be disrespected or for fear and domination to be the way our culture works. That’s big stuff. The shift starts within – I’ll share 4 soul inquiries for this time.
while what we see may anger us and try to pull us apart, remember our power comes from shining the light not only on what is vulgar and unacceptable, but also on illuminating what is possible when a woman dares to follow her heart and speak her truth. We each have a part to play – in how we show up, what we speak and how we choose to make the shifts our souls are calling for.
And if you’d like to be part of a circle of women daring to take actions in their lives to create the realities we want NOW – then join us
Calling courageous women – to the Unleash the Feminine Heart 40-day Practice – starts in October,