Conjure Up Courage to Follow Your Heart
Conjure Up the Courage to Follow Your Heart
Follow your heart.
What does that mean???
How do you ‘do’ it???
How do you conjure up the courage to step outside conventional wisdom to follow your inner wisdom?
And why is it essential for women especially to know, trust, and follow their Heart Wisdom that can sometimes feel crazy?
Join me and my special guest Shiloh Sophia McCloud, visionary artist and one of my dearest soul sisters, for this episode of Feminine Power Time, as we sit around her kitchen table and share with you what our wise mentors and teachers – wise women who were part of the feminist and women’s movement in the 1970s and beyond – taught us about tapping into the feminine heart to lead one’s life. These wise women who have walked before us have wisdom to share with all of us women how so we can:
- Be wiser in how we live and make choices that keep us true to ourselves.
- Follow our heart wisdom to create systems and realities that free and sustain instead of control and drain
- Do what scares us – cuz we know deep down it’s the right path, for us.
- Trust ourselves even when others seek to diminish our power or presence or dissuade us from following our truth
- Open up to see ALL that is right here for us to tap into … what our minds can’t know and eyes can’t see but what our heart intelligence is keenly attuned to (SUPER POWERED!!)
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Love to go deeper? Get more support and sisterhood? Join us this fall.
Conjure Up Some Courage + Tap into your Crazy Wisdom –
join Christine Arylo for virtual circle of women participating in the Unleash the Feminine Heart 40-day practice, starting in October.
Take a Vision Quest with Arylo and Shiloh and other wise women who dare to do things differently and
are the visionaries weaving the new world. November.