Freedomcast: Clear the Fear & Liberate Your Heart to Lead

 In Feminine Super Powers, Holidays, Life choices, Making Changes & Navigating Uncertainty, Overcoming Fear, Podcast - Feminine Power Time, Power, Releasing Stress, Self Love, Women's Wisdom

“Your power ends precisely where your fear begins.” – Melissa Etheridge.

That says it all. And why today I’m inviting you to tune into your heart and see what fear is lurking underneath the surface, driving your choices, and creating unnecessary stress or suffering for you. Tune into this episode of Feminine Power Time: “Freedomcast: Clear the Fear & Liberate Your Heart to Lead.”

I thought given the crazy state of the world, and what I am hearing from many people about the choices they face, that we could tap into the energy of Liberation Day here in the States (my name for July 4th), and use it’s force along with the Feminine Super Power of Liberation to take a mini fear cleanse + freedom boost. So that we can make sure that the choices you are making are being led by your heart, not by fear.

Fear diminishes & distracts feminine power.

Leading from the heart is feminine power.

When fear leads… you create realities that stress you out. You work too hard, effort more, create more stuff to do than what’s good for you or needed. When fear leads your choices in how you give life force you give out WAY MORE than what you receive in. Result. Overhwhelm, stress, depletion, frustration, sigh.

When your heart leads… while you may be scared and feel fear, love & grace swoop in, your power pulses, and wow! the realities you create lead to a life worth living.

The challenge is that fear is tricky and it can be really subtle, so most of us have NO idea that we are operating from fear, or making our choices about where our life force flows from fear. It is only when you slow down, and tune in, that you can see the fear, hear your heart, and let your soul wisdom guide.

I invite you to join me for 33 minutes or so for this Feminine Power Time:
FREEDOMCAST: Clear the Fear & Liberate Your Heart to Lead

Feminine Power Podcast with Christine Arylo

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In this Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo, you’ll receive a mini fear cleanse and freedom boost, tapping into the Feminine Super Power of Liberation so you can:

  • understand which of the 7 kinds of fears are running in your operating system
  • reveal the root of the fear – your ‘love cracks’ where fear took up residence in your heart long ago
  • tune into where fear is driving your choices right now
  • take a power pause to find out what is true for your heart
  • tap into your feminine power to free your heart to lead and make the choice that creates more freedom

Arylo Fear Cleanse Freedom Boost Quote

I’ll share some of my own process with clearing the fear out of my heart – sneaky devil! Yesterday, fear almost sent me down a path of giving a bunch of life force to a project that I didn’t really want to do because I was afraid that the thing I really was feeling called to give and offer wouldn’t be received.

My “love crack” – where the fear of rejection bought a condo and moved in when I was about 2 weeks old, got totally activated. I just didn’t see it at first, because my mind had ‘figured it all out’ and convinced me spending my life force this way was necessary, the only way. It took me 4 talks with trusted friends to help me see that fear in my heart was behind the choice my mind felt so clear about. The fear was distracting me from what really mattered to me. It was this medicine of love I received from others, which soothed the love crack enough, to allow me to apply the medicine of self-love and say “NO” to the project I didn’t want to do, so I could focus on what my heart really desires to give my life force to this second half of the year – offering a powerful Self Love Guide Training this fall, teaching about self love & relationships with Noah,  & a leading a Vision Quest in late October in Hawaii.

The result. More space for me. Less stress. Less effort wasted. And this morning a more renewed energy and life force to create what matters most to me and what I hope will create even better goodness for you.

So grateful for this energy of liberation and the power of Melissa Etheridge’s song “Heart of a Woman” which always brings me back to my truth, through the fear.

If you haven’t heard her song, download it from ITunes. It’s from the album Fearless Living.

If you would love some support and guidance on focusing your life force this second half of the year – join me for the F.L.O.W. retreat (Focus Your Life Force on What Matters) which you can do right from home – it leads you through a process that will clear the fear and get you clear on what matters most.  Click here :

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