Lighten Your Load: Release Yourself From Unrealistic Expectations #135 (Series #3 of 3)
Lighten Your Load:
Release Yourself from the Unrealistic Expectations Stressing You Out
Feminine Power Time: #135
Series #3 of 3
Did you ever consider there are ways that you are putting pressure on yourself which are stressing you out that you actually have the power to change? And as a result free yourself from some of the stress, anxiety, frustration, uncertainty, overworking, etc. that you might be feeling?
There’s plenty of stressors out there in the world that you can’t change. And there are many ways you can create some space and ease for yourself, if you can reveal the ‘self induced’ pressure that most of us are blind to.
Which is why for our #3 of 3 Feminine Power Time episode in the Lighten Your Load series: “Release Yourself from the Unrealistic Expectations Stressing You Out” we will dive into 3 areas where we most often create toxic, unnecessary pressure which we have the power to release.
In this Feminine Power Time
Lighten Your Load: Release Yourself from the Unrealistic Expectations Stressing You Out
(Series #3 of 3)
The world has changed. Our worlds have changed. Which we need to change our expectations for how we work, how much we can get done, and what we need to be supported and sustained.
Instead of just doing the same or more with less, instead of embracing the unrealistic time frames for achieving things or growing, instead of expecting people to be different than they are … embrace your power to stay centered and sustained by releasing unnecessary expectations. Then exhale 🙂
As you tune in, with me, consider:
- Where am I holding myself to unrealistic expectations about how much I should be able to do, or how much I can do, in a day/week/month/rest of this year?
- How am I holding myself to unrealistic expectations for how fast I should be able to achieve a goal or make something happen?
- How am I holding others to unrealistic expectations to be or act or show up a certain way, that if I was being honest about who they really are, would free ME of the pain/struggle/frustration I feel?
After you listen …
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