Be the Love You Wish To See: Powerful Practices for Changing the World from the Inside Out
We are being called to BOTH keep our pulse on humanity’s heart do our part AND ALSO bring our focus into the places where we have the most power to make shift happen… inside our own hearts
I’ve been dancing all week with the desire to do my part to serve others & the world AND the practice of showing up in my daily life as the love I want to see in the world. It is so much easier for me to show up in love & give to all those I teach & hold space for. It’s WAY harder for me to hold back my sharp tongue with Noah when I am feeling stressed. WAY harder for me to stop judging myself for the ways I feel I am falling short than to show another woman how much she is already doing.
I imagine I am not alone. In just the last few days, I have witnessed so many people who have such heart to do their part to create a world full of love, connection, equality, harmony, respect, where all beings are free and have the opportunity to thrive.
Tears and passion streaming through for wanting to do more to help others + be part of “big” change.
But here’s the thing we each also need to know + practice … if we desire the world ‘out there’ to be different, we have to also look inside ourselves + every relationship we have. We need to focus on both the WE and the ME… for they are not separate. How we treat and talk to ourselves and other people impacts the world. We can’t be champions for causes to help others, and then scream at our kids or partners, or criticize or blame ourselves or others, or use fear to manipulate, and think it doesn’t play out in the bigger issues.
I don’t mean this in some kum-bay-yah, spiritual platitude kind of way where we espouse the virtues of kindness and forgiveness. Although poetic, what I am talking about is how we each – you and me – “for real” PRACTICE all this unconditional love, one-ness, serve-the-world stuff in our day to day lives.
Tune into this week’s Feminine Power Time: “Be the Love You Wish To See: The Power You Have to Change the World From Inside Your Own Heart” so we can do BOTH… be agents of love, change & elevation for the world + in our own lives and in those people’s lives we touch.
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It’s hard to be a force of love all of the time, especially when people make us mad or are not very loving, or our wicks are running short because we are so overstretched. Self love can seem selfish, but it’s more essential than ever to help us stay centered + harmonious on the inside so we can be those forces of love on the outside.
So I was thinking…
What if we all practiced being “agents of love that act from a pure heart, with ourselves + in all of our interactions and relationships” for the rest of the summer??
(forever would be nice, but i thought the summer, or winter in the Southern half of the world, would be a good start!)
This doesn’t mean we show up as soft pushovers or we have to do it perfectly. Pure hearted agents of love speak truth, fiercely often. We just don’t fill the field with fear, shame, blame, and irresponsible anger. And if we do, we slow down, start again, and use our love power to reshape and elevate the field.
This license plate sits above the mirror I do my yoga + meditation practice in front of every morning to remind me of my prayer and practice to speak from, live from, write from, show up from pure heart. Fiercely loving. Compassionately honest. Inspirationally invoking and provoking. Inviting love into the places in my heart, my life and my work that can elevate me, those I serve + I pray humanity. These next few weeks I am dedicating Feminine Power Time + my other offerings to help each of us practice cultivating this field of love, coming from pure heart and stepping past fear to more freely and fully give our sacred work, and be the powerful, centered in love and grace, presences we each are. I invite you to join me in your own life, heart, relationships and work.
Together we can make a difference just through the very presence of who we choose to be. Our power comes from our presence after all.
I’ll be spending this summer and fall leading programs and retreats online in person sharing and showing you how to use the super power tools I use in my own life to keep my presence powerfully centered in love and harmony + navigate the tricky terrain of relationships that can be like breeding grounds for throwing us off center.
Join me for more on how to show up in love + your truth in your relationships –
Join me to get super powers, practices and ways for cultivating grace, harmony + clarity inside no matter what’s swirling on the outside so you can meet your life with victory and be your most powerful feminine presence
Kripalu East Coast – Sept 16-18