Divine Spark: Turn off the Busy World to Tune into What You Truly Desire Right Now.

 In Self Love, Success, Wisdom Blog

One of the five foundational self love promises is to NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS THAN YOUR HEART AND SOUL DESIRE… are you keeping this promise to yourself?

Watch this video and press pause on the outside world to tune into your inner world and do a check in with your heart.

Most of us never slow down enough to truly tune into our hearts so we have no idea what it truly desires. And sometimes when we do know what it desires we are too scared to actually admit that we desire it. We feel selfish, like it’s too much. Or we feel like it’s impossible or impractical so we just stuff the desire down and get on with our rational lives, settling for less than our heart desire, and in the process letting ourselves down, which is so not self-loving.

The self-love truth is that if you can FEEL it in your heart, then desiring it can only be a good thing that creates more goodness and more love for the world. Even if it’s big. Even if it seems alot. Even if other people have judgments about it.

The test is to make sure the desire truly comes from your heart and soul, and not your ego, which NEEDS and WANTS things to make you feel safe, enough and like you belong.

How do you do name and claim your heart desire?

Well to start…

1. Watch the video and listen to your heart
– and let my words touch your heart, and then listen to what it tells you – you may be surprised!

2. Two, when you state your desire out loud and write it down so you can see it use the words “I DESIRE” instead of I WANT –
want denotes lack, like you are not whole without this thing. And when acting in alignment with your heart, you’ve got to do it from a place of you are whole already. For example, saying “I want to be famous” (ego) is different than “I desire to shine as bright as I can, to be the star I am, so that my love and expression can light up this world. I desire to be a shining star whose light people from around the world see and are inspired by.” Or saying, “I want a soul mate so I can be loved” is saying that you are not loved already, which you are. Instead, you may very well desire a partner to share your life with, so “I desire a partner to share my full life with” denotes you already know your life is full before he/she shows up.


3. After you watch this video – dare to share your current heart’s desire… share it with someone you can trust – you’ve got to speak it and share it to take it out of the closet and into the light where it can manifest into form.

4. Keep your heart open to RECEIVE it – in the form and the timing it comes. Recognize and receive the little steps and proof that it is happening in divine time and divine form.

Me first…
“My heart and soul SO desire to create a fabulous, inspiring line of self-love clothing that millions of people around the world put on their body that reminds them every time they wear it that they are SOOOOOO loved.”

Okay your turn… watch the video, name you desire, claim it and then be open to receive it in the form and timing it comes.

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