Hello and Welcome to this Practice Library We Created for the RISE Leadership Cohort.

What you will find below are resources – videos, handouts, podcasts and links to articles — that will help you implement the practices, mindset shifts, and better ways of working & making choices that we explore together.

These are organized by the sessions/months starting with month 2.
Here’s a list of what you will find. Then scroll to access what you are looking for:

Month 2:  Revealing Roots of Burnout & Doing Stress Differently 

1. 4 Realms  of Wellbeing, Resiliency & Radiance (Handout)

2. The Lifeforce Reading and Receiving Practice (Video)

3. The Butterfly Breath for Getting Centered, Calm and Clear (Video)

4. 3 Practices to Reset Your Energy, Emotions and Habits + Keep Your Radiance Strong, including Downshifting (Podcast)


Month 3: Releasing Self-Induced Pressure & Elevating Habits/Mindsets (kick this off Sept 6th)

1. Self Assessment / Quiz on 13 Over-Giving Imprints – https://christinearylo.com/OverWhelmQuiz/

2. Re-Setting Expectations & Energy Exchange – Take a Breath. Take a Beat. Poster – PDF

3. Podcast Series – From Burnout to Balance – on Over-giving Imprints, Over-Responsibility and Over-Self-Reliance


Month 4: Working Wiser with Time, Pace, Expectations and Focus 

1. Self Sustainability Stands for Liberating Your Time + Creating Space – PDF Poster – page 1

2. Podcast – Time Magic – The Power & Practice of Moving from Productivity to Creativity – Links (or get on your podcast app)


Month 5: Influencing Sustainable Choices & Creating Healthy Boundaries 

1. 4 Harmonizing Practices for Setting Boundaries and Finding Aligned Timing, Focus, Expectations & Shifts – PDF Poster – page 2

2. Podcast: Power of Stillness and Space Holding – Podcast #213


RESOURCES – for Going Deeper

  1. BOOK + JOURNAL : Overwhelmed and Over It: Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World – www.OverwhelmedandOverit.com  
  2. PODCAST: Feminine Power Time – Re-Imagining The Way We + The World Work  https://christinearylo.com/feminine-power-time-podcast/ 

MONTH 2: Revealing the Roots of Burnout & Doing Stress Differently

1. The 4 Realms of Wellbeing, Resiliency and Radiance 

The 4 elements of resiliency and wellbeing model is a way for us to understand and focus on what we need to keep our energy, wellbeing and internal resiliency strong, and call attention to where we might be lacking what we need to stay clear, centered, calm, radiant, motivated and healthy in these times.

Ask yourself: “Where do I naturally or currently pay attention to this part of my wellbeing? This generally is strong.” and “Where do I neglect or pull back during times of stress, uncertainty or intensity?” This is where you want to focus on strengthening.

>> Here is a PDF that goes through each of the 4 realms in detail Click Here to Download .


4 Realms of Wellbeing, Resiliency & Radiance

2. The Life-force Reading & Receiving Daily Morning Practice 

The Lifeforce Reading and Receiving practice is one we recommend doing every morning – either before you get out of bed or as part of your morning centering and presence practice before you engage in work or the bigger outside world.  You will find the full practice in the book on pages 79-85.

Note – Christine taped this video as part of a series of videos she created for each of the chapters in the book Overwhelmed and Over It as a way to give people a felt experience of the practices and wisdom. This particular video was taped from the place she did her daily morning practice each day when she lived on an island off the coast of Seattle where she lived for 4 years as she wrote the book and created the additional materials. You of course do not need a full yoga platform to do this practice (lol!) … but we do recommend finding a place (or two) in your home that is your spot to connect in each morning. To create the space it cann help to have an item or two there that signals this is your place to center – as simple as a candle, your journal, a blanket, etc.

The video also includes a few of the core self-sustainability principles to practice and live by to keep you out of burnout, overwhelm, and distress.

NOTE: Increase the video to full screen for best viewing.

3. The Butterfly Breath 

The Butterfly Breath is a practice that supports you to ensure the way you are breathing in actually getting you the oxygen and energy you need. Many of our bodies have been conditioned to breathe in ways that are counter to the way our bodies were meant to work best- some of us reverse breathe, others short breathe.

The Butterfly Breath uses the somatic metaphor of the butterfly wing and body to re-condition your body to get the maximum from breathing every day. And also is a practice you can use in your morning centering practice or in the moments you need a reset – it activates the parasympathetic nervous system and brings your body, being and brain into a state of calm. Based on timeless yogic science, Arylo adds in modern day application.

NOTE: Increase the video to full screen for best viewing.

4. PODCAST: Three Practices to Reset Your Energy, Emotions & Habits So You Can Be Present & Respond From Presence.

Tune into the podcast episode #210 – Keep Your Radiance Strong & Light  – 3 Practices to Play With and then try these three practices in your day to day.

  1. Relax. Rest. Regenerate. The Daily & Weekly Bookend
  2. Eliminate & ReleaseRelease & Embrace. Choose a time span to play with.
  3. Emote to Elevate. Ask someone to be a space holder for you or play with this through journaling, movement or self recorded speaking.

How to tune in: Listen on the player above OR… 

1. Subscribe on iTunes or Download from Spotify here.

2. Download from your Podcast App. Search for Feminine Power Time.

This way you will receive the entire library and dive in.

3. Tune in here on the podcast page.


1. SELF ASSESSMENT: 13 Kinds of Over-Giving to People, Projects and Purposes 

Take this short quiz to reveal the over-giving imprints that are most bankrupting and stressing you.

Access the online test here – https://christinearylo.com/OverWhelmQuiz/

You will receive an email after you take the assessment with a ranking of all 13 Over-Giving Imprints. You can also find a description of each on pages 134-136 in Overwhelmed and Over It.

Two: Re-Setting Expectations & Energy Exchange Practice Posters 

Take a Breath. Take a Beat. Tune Into to Find the Harmony.

PDF of the Practice Poster – click here to download.

3. PODCAST SERIES: Going from Burnout to Balance – Illuminating the Invisible Imbalances 

Tune into the full series here – Episodes #233-#235

Tune into the single podcast below – #234 Where Are You OverGiving and UnderReceiving? Re-Setting the Imbalances

Where are you:

  • Giving more than is needed?
  • Giving more than is in harmony?
  • Giving more than you can afford to give?
  • Over extending? Over compensating? Over efforting?

And then go deeper to reveal…

  • Which OVERgiving imprints are running you, and where are the roots? Then you can make shifts that liberate you from patterns that don’t serve anymore.
  • Practices to re-wire the giving/receiving equations & expectations so the exchanges stay in balance vs become imbalanced.

How to tune in: Listen on the player above OR… 

1. Subscribe on iTunes or Download from Spotify

2. Download from your Podcast App. Search for Feminine Power Time.

This way you will receive the entire library and dive in.

3. Tune in here on the podcast page.


1. PRESENCE POSTER – Self Sustainability Stands for Liberating Your Time and Creating Space
Download Here

Proactive Practice: Choose 1 Stop and 1 Start to work with for 3 months or rest of the year. Upgrade your internal programming and elevate your responses to external time constraints, constructs and pressures.
Change in the Moment – When  you feel toxic or fabricated time pressure – from yourself or others – pause and lean into a Stop or a Start as a self sustainability stand for self advocacy and working wiser.


Time Magic: The Power & Practice of Moving from Producitivity to Creativity
Access Below or on Itunes or Spotify.


1. PRESENCE POSTER – Harmonizing Practices for Creating Aligned Exchange & Timing
Download Here – Page 2



The Power of Stillness & Space Holding
Access Below or on Itunes or Spotify.



BOOK: Overwhelmed and Over It. Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World.

> Learn more – www.OverwhelmedandOverit.com 

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