Welcome to our Wisdom & Women Session: Sovereign Woman. Sacred Relationship
Enclosed on this page you’ll find:
- Wisdom Session Video + Audio Recording – Join Christine, Linda and Nilima, plus conscious women from around, the world for an interactive and elevating experience.
- Tune into a Podcast on Relationships – Christine and her partner Noah discuss how to shift your relationships to work for you.
- Go Deeper into the Teachings from the Session – Links, images and topics discussed during the live session.
- Resources – More info on our facilitators and contact info to reach out for 1:1 support. LO

ONE: Session Recording
The session is about 2 hours. The Flow includes 4 parts.
1. Setting the Field & What is Sovereignty and Sacred Relationship
2.Wisdom Talk on What We See in the Collective + Within Ourselves in the realm of Relationship – Possibilities, Patterns + Perspectives
3. Illuminating the Patterns that Keep Us Stuck Repeating Relational Patterns that No Longer Serve
4. Liberating, Healing and Elevating Transmission Led by Linda – It starts right at o1 hour 30 minutes.
From Linda’s Transmission:
“i am love. i am in love. i am the frequency of love. This is my truth. I am that.
golden grace fills and floods the love cracks and the wounds.
we open to receive this healing grace, release the wounds to be transmuted by love, we can embody a higher frequency of love and gift them to all people we touch
what does this look like in your relationships and life, and look like at you interact with others?
To listen to the audio recording of the session, go here.

TWO: Feminine Power Time Podcast on Relationships
We invite you to check out one of Christine’s podcast episodes on Relationships. Listen in as she and her partner in life, love and business, Noah Martin dive together into:

THREE: Go Deeper into the Teachings
1. During the session, Christine discusses the Triangle of Sacred Transformation. She recorded a video on it. Tune in here.
2. In Christine’s private online community gathering space – we call “the Feminine Wisdom Cafe” – we have some great conversations going! This is off of social media – it’s a place we cultivate conscious conversation and elevating inspiration and resources.
- During the session, Christine read her definition of Sovereignty. To read it again, and to post yours and see what others have posted, join the conversation here.

- We also discussed the Four Stages of personal transformation. To learn more and join that conversation, go here. Note: If you are not yet a member of the Cafe, you will be prompted to join. We will approve your request within 24 hours.
Our ending ritual was to have each woman speak into the space what she saw, felt or knew about what Sacred Relationship would feel, be like, bring forth on the planet. We took the wisdom and re-imaginings shared, and made them into a poem. Take a read. Take them in. And add your own in the Cafe here.
3. The songs played during the session are from our Fierce Grace playlist on Spotify. You can access the playlist here.
4. Below is the visual that Nilima spoke of. By artist Mansi Jasyia.

This is the art Nilima spoke about by the artist Mansi Jasuja.

FOUR: Resources
- If you would like to receive 1:1 support, Linda Galvan and Christine’s partner Noah Martin both work with people individually around relationships.
- To learn more and work with Linda, visit her website at www.lindagalvan.com or send her an email at thespiritualintuitive@gmail.com.
- To learn more and work with Noah, visit his website at www.coachingbynoah.com or send him an email at noah@coachingbynoah.com.
- To learn more about what Christine is up to, visit her website at www.christinearylo.com, and to learn more about the Elevate Feminine Leadership Council she leads, go here.
- To learn more about our special guest and the founder of Shakti Leadership, Nilima Bhat, visit her website at www.shaktileadership.com. Also learn more about the yearly Truth and Reconciliation Week Nilima co-founded, happening in July each year. wwwTruthandReconciliation.net