Madly in Love with ME

The Go-To Self-Love Guidebook on How to Love Yourself

“Do I love myself?” is not a yes/no question; The question is…“where am i strong & weak In loving myself?”

It’s easy to suppose that, if we don’t hate ourselves, we must love ourselves. We openly talk about and teach how to have strong self-esteem. These days there’s a plethora of content and memes in the world about being empowered, loving ourselves and using our voices.

So then why are so many of us trapped in careers, relationships, lives and mindsets that leave us feeling overwhelmed, unsupported, limited and dissatisfied? How can we seem so strong, smart and capable on the outside, yet inside be full of doubt, self-criticism and a sense we are not enough?

Have you ever considered:

Madly in Love with Me book

What does it really mean to put self-love into practice?

What areas of self-love am I weakest in? Strongest in? How’s that impacting my reality negatively, in ways I don’t see the connection to a lack of self-love?

How do I strengthen my full spectrum of self-love to make more supportive choices for my career, relationship, and well-being?

Christine Arylo’s breakthrough book on self-love introduces the integrative model called the Tree of Self-Love, which defines and distinguishes the 10 different kinds (branches) of self-love, including self-awareness, self-esteem, self-expression, self-trust, self-care, and more.

Branch by branch, Arylo walks readers through: self-reflection inquiries, creative processes, and simple (but mighty!) practices that strengthen our skills daily to make choices in alignment with our life, well-being, relationship, and career goals.

In this self-love guidebook, Madly in Love With ME, Christine Arylo teaches:

  • How to break through the habits, patterns & mindsets that are holding us back from achieving the relationships, careers, well-being and lives we desire
  • How to determine which areas of self-love we are strongest and weakest in, enabling us to identify where to focus our healing and personal transformation
  • What self-love looks and feels like, and how to actually put it into practice to make aligned choices your every day and in the life, career & relationship decision big ways
  • How to practically know & accept who we are (and are not), trust & empower ourselves to make choices that keep us true to ourselves, choose only healthy relationships, and give ourselves self-compassion & self-care as we grow and stretch.


Loving yourself is not something you do instead of loving others.
Loving yourself is the pre-requisite to loving others well.


Self Love Tree

After teaching you how to re-define self-love and clear up cultural mis-understandings, each chapter takes you on a self-reflective and enlightening journey into one of the ten branches of self-love.

  • Definition & Pulse Check: A simple definition and short quiz to determine how strong you are in this self-love branch.
  • Me Moments: Illuminating self-awareness inquiries and journaling prompts to give insight into your subconscious habits and patterns.
  • Me Art: Optional creative processes that integrate body, mind, heart, and spirit, taking you beyond an intellectual understanding of self-love to access lasting, deep-rooted transformation.
  • Daring Act of Love: Simple but mighty actions that stretch you into deeper self-love.
  • Love Boost & Love Mantra: Practices you can use when we need strength to make the self-loving choice.


Global Teacher Map 2019 Final

“This book is for you if you treat your best friend better than you treat yourself . . . I feel like I highlighted the entire book, there were so many relatable quotes and scenarios.”


“While this book is written for women, and is something I hope my two girls who are just 6 and 4 now, read when they get a little older, the universal wisdom in it is for all of us, men like me included. Self love is one of the most important aspects of life, growth, and spiritual evolution . . . but is often not talked about or taught directly, either because people think it is self absorbed and/or we’re already supposed to know how to do it . . . but sadly, we don’t. Thanks to Christine Arylo’s passion, courage, and clarity, we have a guide book for how to more deeply, fully, and authentically love all of who we are, and share that love with everyone around us.”


“This book comes with a lot of exercises that really help us dig deep to the roots of our problems and self-judgement and meet again that little girl inside of us that was full of self-love, self-trust and self-worth. This book is really changing my life.”


“Working this book has been amazing! I say working it instead of reading because Christine guides you through actively participating in your healing and growth. All with great online tools and videos to keep you motivated and inspired. I think this will be the Christmas present I give every woman in my life—the gift of self love!”


Self Love Ambassador Vancouver


“Arylo turns the elusive task of learning to love yourself into a concrete, how-to, doable path that anyone can master.”

Rhonda Britten, Emmy Award Winning Coach & founder of Fearless Living

“Christine reminds us that loving ourselves is not just a crucial individual act for the quality of our own lives, but a radical act of social change for women and girls everywhere”

Meggan Watterson, Harvard-Trained Feminist Theologian.


“I struggled to find a solid framework to guide my clients (and daughters) towards more self-care, self-compassion & self-worth until I started using the Path of Self Love technology. I knew what my clients needed, but I wanted t guide them through their own self-discovery process in ways that were tangible, fun and also deep and powerful. Using The Path of Self Love practices and tools, I can now work with my clients on one branch of self-love at a time, using the specific practices for each one.

Sarah Mardell, Self-Care Coach & Business Owner, Mother of 5

“I was talking about and teaching self love but I wasn’t fully embodying loving myself until I found Christine Arylo’s teachings and trainings on self-love. Something in me has always just wanted to help other women, but the truth was I wasn’t doing anything to take care of me physically, mentally and spiritually. Now I have a methodology, language and practices for myself, my clients and to use in the work I do in the schools with kids. I am a stronger coach, mother, friend and ME!

Ta’lor Pinkson, Masters of Social Work, Self Love Coach

Self-esteem without the full spectrum of self-love may make you successful on paper, but will leave you feeling empty and exhausted… settling for a life that does not satisfy nor sustain you.

Take the radical act of strengthening your self-love—first to nourish yourself, then to guide those you love and lead.



A great resource for yourself, a woman or girl in your life, or for group facilitation and art therapy!


  • 22 illustrations
  • 13 Self-Love Mantras
  • 13 Heart Art Portraits
  • PLUS Inner Wisdom Journaling inquiries to support us in trusting ourselves, staying true to ourselves, and always choosing love for ourselves.

Give the gift of self-love—to yourself or a woman in your life! Filled with pages that are like medicine for our hearts and power for our souls, this coloring book and journal includes illustrations and journaling prompts created intentionally to invoke a specific aspect of self-love.

“You can feel the love that Christine has infused in this coloring book and journal. I bought one for myself and one for my 17-year-old daughter. We are working on them separately and then will gather together in a circle to share with other young women. Love the coloring book and journal combined. This makes a great gift!”

Heather Nardi, Minnesota, Holistic Health and Parenting Coach


Transformational Leadership Advisor, MBA, Wisdom Teacher, Social Innovator & four-time author

For over 20 years, Arylo has been devoted to working with emerging and established women leaders across generations & geography to break through the invisible systemic and self-created interference that has kept women stuck in realities, relationships, careers and cycles that diminish our true power, wisdom and presence.

Her unique approach and super power for creating new models, practices, and processes that lead people to new insights, deeper wisdom, a path to do things differently have made her a sought-out thought leader, advisor, coach, teacher and facilitator for individuals, teams, organizations ready for lasting transformation & elevation.

So Much Stronger Together


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