Thank You For Your Interest in Learning More about the Elevate Feminine Leadership Co-Creative Incubator, Catalyst & Council.
For conscious women leaders re-imagining & re-designing the next cycle of their career path, life design & leadership impact.
What you will find on this page is access to the full invitation and details (in PDF) which also includes 2 audios that share more about the why, the what, the who. I’ve also included direct links to the introduction audio here on this page.
You will also find information on next steps should you desire to explore being part of this experience and council. This experience is designed for conscious working professionals, leaders, changemakers, and pioneers who would benefit from intentional space, structure and sistership as you create the next while living the now. Women who are ready and ripe for exploring, expanding and gaining clarity on the focus of their career path, life design and leadership impact.
We Start November 2023 and go through May 2024.
ONE: Invitation and Details – PDF –
Click to Open, Read & Access Audios

2. Audio Introduction – The Why, What & Who
You can also access this from page one in the invitation. I taped this 17 minute audio to give you a sense of why, what and who this is for. Hearing it rather than reading it, so you can feel into it, I find helps people get the first sense of if this is for them.
3. Next Steps
The image you see below is the focus of our mission together – bringing EMBODIED clarity to each of the three points on the triangle, as well as the centerpoint of the triangle. The HOW we do that is in the invitation details so DO make sure to read that and listen to the introduction audio before proceeding to the next step.

If after looking through the details, and if this is feeling like a yes or a maybe, the next step is to set up a conversation with me, Christine, in which we can explore where you are in your cycle shift and what support and structure would serve you. And I can share more about the incubator and council.
Because this is a small group (councils are always 15 people or less, ours will be between 8-15), having a coherent resonance, level of experience professionally and personally, and intention is essential to the power of the experience. Which is why we will talk and feel into this together.
Next Step to set up the conversation – Go here
- Here’s the link to set up an conversation with me. Click here
- In prep, there are a few questions I’d appreciate you responding to. Will help our conversation be that much bettter !
- Once you complete the inquiries you will gain access to the calendar to set up a time to connect. We start in November, so the sooner the better.
Look forward to connecting!