Thank you for sharing your desires, needs and insights with me in the survey I sent out.
I’ve taken it all to heart, and I am using your feedback to create the flow and focus for the months and year ahead.
You should start to notice some shifts & consistency in structure and focus on the Feminine Power Time podcast and in my communications.
Sharing Here Below the podcast wth the results + a special thank you gift, both which I hope give you some support + illumination + elevation.
ONE: Tune into the 7th Anniversary Episode where I shared more of the results, what guidance that has given me and how we are going from here.
Here’s the episode – you can also get it on your Podcast App.
Keep Scrolling to get the Wisdom Teaching Video below.:
TWO: As a special THANK YOU, I am gifting you with one of the Wisdom Teaching videos I did for the Overwhelmed and Over It book + program.
It is focuses on the last Chapter in Overwhelmed and Over It, in the section on Liberating Your Power – Imprint #12: Release Take it All On. Embrace Stay Focused on Your Part
I chose this wisdom teaching and chapter for you because many of you shared how you are in inquiry about what your part is … questioning where you want to give your life force to… specifically in your career but also in your overall life, which is SUCH a part of redefining purpose, our part, and our value.
I also included it because many of you spoke directly or indirectly to “harmonic defiance” – using our voices and choices to do things differently, and as a result create better realities for ourselves, those we guide and influence and this world. This chapter is also about that.
- Tune in below. This is a private video teaching only for you and people in the Overwhelmed and Over It: Path to Sustainable Success experience.
- You can expand the video player with the icon on the lower right corner.
- Connect with other women exploring , experimenting and embodying the path of sustainable success on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, my online private community site here.
- Also … you can follow along in the Overwhelmed and Over It Book – Chapter 12. If you don’t have the book yet, you can get a copy here.
I am truly grateful for our connection. I look forward to staying connected in ways that strengthen each of us in these intense and changing times.