If you can do anything for 40-days
You can change your life.
Whenever I found myself at place in my life where I was stuck, repeating patterns, or not able to elevate to level I could feel inside, but couldn’t shift on the outside, I created a 40-day practice to breakthrough, and it worked, so I started teaching these practices to people around the world, and now thousands of people have broken through. One of the reasons you can’t make the shifts you want in your life is because of the unconscious beliefs, set points, and fears running your internal operating system. When you aren’t aware of something, you can’t change it, because you can’t see it.
Based on both ancient spiritual wisdom and scientific technology, each 40-day practice illuminates the programming running your internal operational system and then putting simple but mighty practices into place into your day to day life, shift starts to occur, and your internal programming – beliefs, patterns, habits, choices – get an upgrade that sticks.
Why 40 days? Because yogis, metaphysicians and scientists agree that is the amount of time it takes to break a self sabotaging pattern and begin to re-establish new self supportive, self empowering one on the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual planes. Not 21 days. Not 28 or 30. It’s 40.
Why a 40-day practice? When you are held within a ‘container’ that has specific intention with specific practices that you put to practice in your daily life you are less likely to give up on yourself. Just like when you go to an exercise class, you are more likely to do the entire class. When you do a 40 day practice with me, you are way more likely to stay committed and devoted to yourself.
The yogis say the first step to happiness is commitment and if you want to change your life, change your patterns.
40-Day Power Practice
Burn Out To Balance
Burn Out To Balance