Welcome to our Wisdom Session, A Different Way to Dream.
Together, we will vision, plan & focus your year, the Feminine Wisdom Way.
Enclosed on this page you’ll find:
- Invitation to The Feminine Wisdom Way – Live, Lead, Succeed the Feminine Way
- A Different Way to Dream Video – Christine walks you through the Wisdom Session
- Wisdom Inquiries Poster – Feminine Super Power Sheet Katherine Torrini created with the ‘Wisdom Inquiries’ we can be asking at the start of the year to connect with deeper wisdom and our heart and soul desires.
- Prepare your physical space for your Ritual. Gather your materials. Make an Altar.
- Dream Partnership Retreat 2019 – A special invitation to a couples visioning retreat led by Christine and her Partner Noah.
The Feminine Wisdom Way
We start January 6th. You can enroll anytime in January. All sessions are recorded.
If you would love to learn a different way to work, create, and operate… to be successful in creating the impact you desire in the world, in creating the career/work that both lights you up and sustains you, and having a WHOLE LIFE as a woman – join us and learn the feminine wisdom way. It’s the way we women work best, but were never taught in our traditional training or education.
When you harmonize your work, projects, relationships and life force with the natural cycles, everything gets into the flow. This isn’t just a program, it’s a structure, a base of deep wisdom made practical to your daily life and how we naturally grow our work in the world, our relationships, and stay healthy in body and spirit.
People often ask me, “How do I connect with my inner wisdom? How do I trust it? How do I make bold choices that are also wise?” This is the how.
There’s lots to say – so I put it into an invitation + video. Take a look and if your inner wisdom is even a maybe, join us!

A Different Way to Dream 2019 with Christine Arylo
Watch the video below.
Soon we will also provide the audio-only recording and post it here.
Wisdom Inquiries Poster
Here’s the Dreaming 2019 Sheet Katherine Torrini created with the ‘Wisdom Inquiries’
you can be ask at the start of the year to connect with deeper wisdom and our heart and soul desires.
There’s more of this in the 2019 EMERGE Visioning Book & Journal which all members of the Feminine Wisdom Way receive.
Download and print the PDF Poster here as a feminine wisdom coloring sheet
Create Sacred Space + Gather Materials
Set aside time in advance to be clear from distractions. Claim some quiet space wherever you’ll be, away from other people who are not participating, or invite them to join you :). Be sure that wherever you’ll be that you have a calm atmosphere to be present during this time for YOURSELF. This means turning off all tech devices (except your computer of course), and refrain from email, phone and anything else that could interfere with being present for yourself.
Creating a Sacred Dreaming Altar: One of my favorite things to do is create beauty and sacred space by making a super powered altar to set the tone and draw upon the special energy of this new year.
Here’s some ideas:
- Objects, pictures, etc. that reflect your desires and dreams as you step into 2019. Don’t be shy. Go big and bold. Dream without hesitation as your altar is a reflection of anything being possible for YOU.
- Candles, white candles are great to signify the returning to the light from the darkest days, plus the embracing of what’s coming and the releasing of what has been.
- Paper or a journal, along with special pens or markers to keep record of what your heart and soul want to express. We recommend plain white paper, rather than lined, so that you have freedom to write AND draw, using your full expression.
- Vino, Pellegrino or tea and Chocolate!
- A favorite blanket or scarf, fluffy pillow or something you LOVE that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.loe
Dream Partnership Retreat
Couples who Pause & Reflect Together, Thrive Together.

Christine & Noah are leading a Couples Visioning Retreat February 1.2.3, 2019
There are 2 spaces only left.
Request your Invitation: