Welcome to the annual Crazy Wisdom Ritual, hosted by Christine Arylo & The Feminine Wisdom Way. Access the Guidebook and Recording Below
The Feminine Super Power of Crazy Wisdom is the willingness to explore, trust, speak, and act from your deep heart wisdom over conventional wisdom or outisde intelligence even if it seems crazy, irrational, improbable, or irresponsible or stretches you outside of your comfort zone.”
a Feminine Wisdom Session with Christine Arylo,
MBA, Leadership Advisor & Teacher
Below in this order, you’ll find:
1. Recording from the LIVE Session
2. How to Prepare for the Session
3. Details about the Feminine Wisdom Way

ONE: LIVE Ritual Recording
TWO: How to Prepare before you Tune In
- Open and print out The Crazy Wisdom Ritual Guidebook – we use this throughout the session, and you will write in it. If you don’t have access to a printer, just use the PDF virtually and bring a journal or paper
- Plan where you want to do the ritual from and set up your space to feel cozy and creative. A candle. Some markers or pens. Something that feels magical. You know, create the vibe!
- Read Part One of the Ritual, Step 4: Choose 5 Books/Decks to work with as your ‘co co-creative’ listening tools for accessing wisdom and receiving guidance. We work with the co-creative practice of inquiry and wisdom books, which means you will want to gather up a combination of 5 books/decks from people whose wisdom and energy you respect and resonate with. They can be fiction or nonfiction. See page 4 of the Guidebook for full instructions.
We dive into wisdom + practices + inquiries you can apply to what’s stretching you and energizing you right now – so you complete this year strong and set yourself up to emerge in 2024 with momentum and focus.
Access the Wisdom Book Here

THREE: Feminine Wisdom Way 2024: Enrollment Opens November

We start with the EMERGE 2024 Visioning & Intention Setting C0-Creative 4 Week Experience – January 8th – with an additional Year End Reflection Ritual.

FOUR: Stay Connected Via the Bi-Weekly Feminine Power Time Podcast
Go to Feminine Power Time on iTunes – Click Here
Tune into this Recent Series: Leading From The Feminine

We look forward to having you join us!
If you have questions, you can contact our team at Love@Arylo.com