2024 Power Pause & Year End Reflection Ritual with Christine Arylo
Welcome to our Power Pause & Reflection Ritual to complete 2024 feeling Powerful, Proud & Peaceful, so you can enter the new year feeling Clear, Confident & Wise.
Below, you’ll find, in this order:
Recording of the 2024 Year End Power Pause & Reflection Ritual – Watch this if you’d like the community experience. We’ll get you started on each step, so you can complete it by the full moon on January 13th.
A Set of Step By Step Videos that take you through the 4-step process – in this pre-recorded set, I lead you through each step.
Reflection Ritual Guidebook – to download and print
How to Do the Reflection Ritual with Your Partner
Invitation to The Feminine Wisdom Way 2025 + the EMERGE 2025 Visioning and Intention Setting Experience
We invite you to share part two of this ritual (CELEBRATE & RECEIVE) with a friend or partner, or invite them to do the ritual too and share after! The process you’ll receive is even more powerful when you have others you can witness and they can reflect for you. Invite them to sign up at ReflectionRitual.com
Share the LOVE with your friends on social media!
The reflection ritual can be done anytime before Jan 13th.
One: 2024 Power Pause & Reflection Ritual with Christine Arylo
Two: Power Pause & Reflection Ritual – 4-Video Series
The videos below will walk you through the 4-step Power Pause & Reflection Ritual with Christine. These videos were pre-recorded, to walk you through the process. If you would like to have more of a group experience, watch this year’s 2024 recording above. And then you can come back to these videos to walk through the different parts of the process you want more support and direction on.
Download and print the guidebook so you can use it to walk you through the Reflection Ritual step by step. This is a wonderful way to visually SEE what you’ve done and become, using this guidebook as golden wisdom for the year ahead.
*Note: For Feminine Wisdom Way students, you can use your Emerge Visioning Book, starting on page 18.
Four: Invite Your Partner to Join You
Couples who Pause & Reflect Together, Thrive Together.
For those who are in a relationship and would like to do the Reflection Ritual with
a Partner or Beloved, Noah, and I put together a special package for you.
We created a guide that walks you through the same process we take each year together, which we also use to lead other couples in our work with Dream Partnerships.
Then do this with your partner before the end of the year.
Five: Join Us for The Feminine Wisdom Way 2025!
The Feminine Wisdom Way is for women who desire to learn how to wield and embody their feminine power… to access their deeper feminine wisdom… to live, lead and succeed differently in their work and lives.
Instead of pushing and over-stretching, running on overwhelm and false pressure, fragmenting our energy and resources… we work with feminine power and wisdom to:
Set our intentions and goals for the year
Grow in our work and impact
Keep our life force strong, and
Stay focused on what matters
…so we can be the centered, courageous, successful and sustained women we were born to me!